Gommy and Laura came to visit yesterday. They got here around 11:15 (actually a few minutes after since Speedy Gonzalez got a ticket on the way). We decided to go back to the pumpkin patch since Ethan didn't get to go before and neither did Daddy. Plus the weather was gorgeous again. We took the hay ride out to the patch and picked out 2 REALLY big pumpkins so we could carve them. And by "we", I mean Braden. Here we are on the hayride:

After we picked put our pumpkins in the car, we got some food to eat. Blythe had a balanced meal of Cheetos and Ice Cream. Since she's a semi-vegetarian, she won't eat a hot dog or a BBQ sandwich, so there you go. After eating, we headed down to the ponies to see if Blythe would ride one. We'd been hyping up the pony ride since we pulled into the parking area, and she seemed up for it. We actually didn't have to do that much convincing. She picked out the small pony and went for a pony ride.
We went back to pet the other farm animals and Blythe liked feeding the sheep, the goats, and the donkey. The sheep was quite aggressive and kept banging her foot on the gate to tell us she wanted more.
Lastly Gommy paid for Blythe to ride on the miniature pony carriage ride.
On the way home we were trying desperately to keep Ethan awake so he and Blythe would take naps at the same time. He barely stayed awake and when we got home we were all wrapped up with him, with diaper change, bottle, etc. Guess we didn't pay enough attention to Blythe because she had ANOTHER potty accident. I wonder what's up with that. Anyway, both kids napped for a while and then, since we had free babysitters, Braden and I went out to dinner and to the movie to see "Body of Lies". It was nice to get a good date night in!
I did get a fairly uninterrupted night of sleep last night (just at 6:30 this morning Ethan was fussing so I put his blanket over him and he settled down). Though when I went in to get Blythe this morning, her door was open (which was odd) and she had pajama pants and panties on the floor. She was in bed with a new pair of panties on. She said she tried to go potty. I asked if she peed in her bed and she said no. I felt around and she had not. Then I went into the bathroom and there was pee on the floor next to the potty. So - she actually did get out of bed, open her door, went to the bathroom, ALMOST made it to the potty (but went on the floor/in her pants instead), then went back to her room, got out of her dirty pants, put on new panties, and went back to bed. At what time this happened, I have no idea. No one ever heard her. So that's good that she tried, but disheartening that she had 3 accidents in 24 hours.
Today Braden carved 2 of the pumpkins. One big one and one small one. Here is Braden and Blythe with the small one that says "VT".
Blythe's friend Ginsey came over and she and Blythe played very well together. They were being so silly! I had a few candycorn men left over from the 2's art project, so I let them put some together.

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