Then we headed home on Sunday feeling much more relaxed than we were a few days before! Ah, I love the holidays!
Afterwards I found it a bit difficult to handle Ethan and 2 pumpkins (yes, I got a pumpkin too...we're working on creating our own pumpkin patch at home). So, I headed towards the car. Ethan was kind of following me, but on the way, the hayride driver asked Ethan if he wanted to drive the tractor. Apparently he was the first kid to get to drive a tractor at the pumpkin patch so far this year. So they drove to the parking lot while I walked there.
We visited the animals, which Ethan loves to see. He pretends he wants to pet the horse, but when you bring him close, he shies away. He got a little too close to the turkeys and one tried to bite him. Anyway, after a quick lunch they were headed back to the daycare for nap time. Fun trip and I'll be going back again tomorrow with Blythe's class!
Then it was time for the hayride down to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. As expected, Ethan loved the tractor ride. We should have asked Blythe if she had to potty BEFORE we got out there, as she said she needed to go only a few minutes into our search for the perfect pumpkin. So she and I flagged down the next tractor back and headed to the port-o-john. Which left Braden out in the pumpkin patch carrying Ethan in his arms and 1 large pumpkin. Except when then came back he actually had 2 pumpkins. I still can't figure out how he managed to carry Ethan and 2 pumpkins. We played around on some other tractors. Accidentally hit a button on the camera and this one came out black and white, but seems kind of appropriate.
Blythe was the picture of white trash in this photo:
And we didn't get Ethan to look in this photo, but it turned out nice of me with my new haircut, so I'm posting it anyway.
After a super cheap lunch of BBQ, hot dogs, chips, and dessert, we called it a day and headed home. Ethan was exhausted. Clearly Blythe was not as this is how she woke up from her "nap":
Seriously, people. She's not even 4 yet. What do you expect?
Okay, so that's just ridiculous.
Crap. Gone are the days when I would wake up and take my sweet time in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, putting on makeup, brushing my hair, getting dressed, all while listening to Ethan on the monitor talking in his crib and playing with his stuffed animals because he is confined to his crib and can't get out. My life will never be the same (queue the violin music now...)