Monday, November 16, 2009

Sickly weekend

Ah, the joys of having a sick child. I got the daycare call on Friday that Ethan had a fever. I wasn't really surprised since he hadn't eaten much on Thursday night or Friday morning, so I had the sneaky suspicion he might be getting sick.

Once he got home and had some Tylenol, he started to feel much better and played and acted somewhat normal and even ate okay at dinner. But Saturday morning I went in his room and saw he had thrown up in his bed (and on the carpet) and on himself. And he had a fever again. And he was coughing. Poor guy. Again, after he had some Tylenol he acted almost normal. Throughout the day you could tell he didn't feel well, but still played outside and interacted pretty well. Then Sunday he woke up with a fever again. And I think he threw up a little, but it was mostly mucus. And he had the chills and looked downright miserable. Later in the day he started looking like he was feeling better, but by nightime the fever had returned. So there was no sending him to school today. Fortunately he slept much better last night and had no fever this morning or at all today, so looks like he is on the mend. He still has a very small appetite, which is unusual for him. So, based on all the symptoms, if I had to guess I'd say he has the flu. Whether it's H1N1, I don't know. He hasn't been vaccinated for seasonal or H1N1.

Anyway, I'm praying his sister doesn't get it since she spent the whole weekend with him, and it's impossible to keep them from putting things in their mouths and from switching drinks, etc. And of course hoping I don't get it (though I have been vaccinated for H1N1).

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