Anyhoo, after returning safely from Baton Rouge, we were hosting my family at our house for Christmas. Fortunately, we had everything pretty much done before we had left town, so other than grocery shopping there wasn't much prep work. Gommy, Poppa, and Laura (and their dog Rudy) showed up first, followed by Doug, Lynette, and Ada (and their dogs Brady and Jack) a few hours later. There wasn't room to park on the street (due to several feet of snow piled up in the street), so we played musical cars in the driveway and made room in the garage for the most important car...the "car with 2 seats", aka Jeep Hurricane, aka Santa's gift to the kids. Those things don't come pre-assembled, so good thing the guys started on it on the 23rd as it was quite the task. Meanwhile, the girls put together a whole house! Gommy and Poppa got Blythe a dollhouse that's practically life size. So we put together rooms and even some furniture.

So we were all set to open gifts on Christmas Eve (not Santa gifts though). There were LOTS of gifts opened and boy, can that be exhausting! Ethan loved all of his much he had to sleep with one.

We all got my mom "Rock Band 2" for the Wii for Christmas, so we spent most of the day and night completely rockin it (on Easy level...sometimes Medium). Somewhere during that time, we also made it to church for the family service and then attempted to get photos of the kids all dressed up. But this is still almost impossible.

We read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to the kids (regular version and Cajun version) and let the kids put out milk, cookies, and beer (hey, that's what Santa said he wanted).
The next morning, they were so surprised to find a car in the basement!
Unfortunately, the weather (freezing rain and ground already covered with icy snow) prevented them from driving it outside that day. We ventured out the next day and determined Blythe has a long way to go before driving it well. Ethan may actually catch on quicker. Until all this snow melts, we probably won't drive it much which is fine by me (because its freaking cold to stand out there!).
Overall, a great Christmas! It was so good to spend time with family, but it's also nice to almost be back to normal. If only the kids had school this week....
Had such a great time with you guys! You were awesome hosts too, so thanks for that :)
Yeah I read all 4 books in one week. They are consuming. There is 1/2 of a 5th one online too. (it's twilight from edward's point of view) I think I have 2&3 so you can have my copies when you come to ATL.
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