Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grams visits

Grams (aka Braden's mom) came to visit us last Thursday and stayed until yesterday. We had asked her to come and help since my work and Braden's work both got pretty crazy at the same time, plus I had a baby shower to go to in Charlotte on Saturday (while Braden had a meet here in Blacksburg). She was a HUGE help while she was here. Currently all the kids clothes are washed AND put away and the kids rooms are actually clean. Wait, they trashed Ethan's room this morning. So - Blythe's room is actually clean.

I had 2 projects on Friday going live and Braden had a meet, so I was so glad she was here as I was trying to troubleshoot at 7:00pm. I would have been getting mad at the kids for not letting me work if that were not the case. Saturday, I drove down to Charlotte in the morning to attend a baby shower for my good friend Sue (Blythe's godmother), who is expecting her first in just a few weeks! The weather was great so we had a good time just hanging out after the shower and catching some rays before I drove back to Blacksburg that evening. Meanwhile, Grams was here with the kids and they went to the swim meet at the end so the kids could swim in a swim clinic. Ethan didn't really want to swim, but apparently Blythe did great. Then they headed over to a team dinner and it was back home and they were TIRED (Grams included!).

Sunday was gorgeous out, so we took the opportunity to clear out the garage so Braden can now park his car in there (and just in time for the 3 days of rain).

Thanks to Grams for coming to help out! We'll miss you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would bet Grams is missing you guys as well. I'm sure she had a good time with all of you.
Marlene (Gommy)