Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nail clipping

Blythe actually asked me yesterday to cut her nails because they were getting too long. Apparently this means she has stopped biting her nails! Fingernails, that is. If only we could get her to stop biting her toenails.

And since Blythe was WANTING her nails cut, Ethan then wanted his cut too. Unfortunately I had just done his a few days ago (except Ethan wasn't exactly willing to at the time, so it was a typical torturous nail clipping session). Next time I want to cut his, now I know to get Blythe to ask to have hers done first.

Now, if only we could get Ethan to stop biting....his sister and his friends....then we might have a real breakthrough.

1 comment:

Tommy Rapier said...

Don't worry. I just stopped biting my toenails last week, it hasn't slowed my soshall scills at all, my learnin was effekted by not mys soshall life. Counting down till you guys come visit.