Monday, November 23, 2009

Ethan goes pee on the potty!

Yesterday Ethan went pee pee on the potty (SUCH mom language, I know)! We've sat him on the little potty a couple of times after bath before and nothing happened. However, he's been very interested in other people going potty recently. Especially his friend Luke who was potty trained recently. When we were at their house on Friday, he followed Luke to the potty every time he had to go.

So anyway, yesterday morning was a lazy morning and Ethan had his jammies on for a while. He then started trying to take them off (which I helped him do). So then he was in just his diaper. And then he wanted to take off his diaper, which he never does, and fought me when I tried to get it back on him. Then he said something about potty, so I tried to put him on the potty downstairs, which he doesn't like (Blythe never liked that potty's practically never been used). So, he was acting like he wanted to go on the potty upstairs. So I took him upstairs (all the while very concerned he was going to pee or poop all over the place). He got the potty out of the bathroom, picked it up, and acted like he wanted to bring it downstairs. I didn't let him and instead let him bring it to his room while I picked out clothes for him (hoping I could dress him and that would keep his diaper on). Next thing I know, he hops up from the potty and I look in there and he had gone! He was so happy with himself.

So a good accomplishment for Ethan! Not only that, but later before bed I got him undressed and he again acted like he needed to go. So he went and sat on his potty and again he went! Yay!

All that said, this does not mean we are starting to potty train. I do remember back when Blythe was about this age and we started putting her on the potty occasionally. She went every time we put her on it. So we thought potty training would be a breeze, which it was not (though she wasn't too terribly hard). But we are one small step in the right direction. There is hope of potty training before #3 gets here!

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