Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl party

Last night we decided to have an impromptu Super Bowl party. We were going to be content with watching the commercials by ourselves (and cheer for the Cardinals between commercials...though we didn't care that much about the outcome), but we found out our friend Tommy was in town with his fiance Angie. So, we invited them over and bought enough food and drink for a party of at least 10. We settled down with our food and anxiously awaited the Pepsi commercials (Angie works for Pepsi, so we were TOTALLY STOKED! okay...maybe a bit of an exaggeration). Pepsi had some good ones, but I think we liked Doritos and Budweiser the best.

Anyway, we were all in the basement watching and the kids were playing with their toys. They didn't really eat dinner, more just snacked on whatever we had available that they wanted. At one point I was holding Ethan and he threw up a little on me. Wasn't much, but even through my sinus-clogged nose, I could smell it on me. So eventually I handed Ethan over to Braden and went upstairs to change clothes. After changing out the laundry and doing a few other chores, I headed back down to the basement. Ethan made his way over to me again so I picked him up and he threw up again on me! So here's how it went:
Mary: Oh my God! Ugh! I just changed my clothes and now look what he did! He threw up a little bit again on the jeans I just changed....
Ethan: BLAH! (the motherload of all pukes landed all over my shirt, my jeans, and the carpet surrounding us)
[silence and gasping at how such a little person could produce so much puke]
Braden: Oh Ethan you poor thing [picks up Ethan off of his puke-covered mom]
Ethan: BLAH! (the second motherload of all pukes all over Braden and himself and the floor below)
[silence and disgust]
Thank goodness for our friends Tommy and Angie who sprung into action grabbing towels, sponges, and anything else. Braden took Ethan upstairs and immediately gave him a bath while I changed clothes yet again.

Apparently just about all of the babies in Ethan's class got this stomach bug and each of them puked just one or two times. He took his bottle last night and this morning and ate breakfast and has been fine ever since.

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