Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
My in-laws are in town, so we've been hanging out each evening, which is why I haven't posted much this week. It's been an eventful week, though not really blog-worthy (I can't think of any funny stories). Tuesday night we went out to eat and since it was "kids eat free", I got a meal for Ethan too. So that's his first kids meal. The boy is an eater though. I think he definitely ate more than his sister. And apparently he really likes pizza (unlike his sister). Now that he can pretty much eat anything, he can have most of the lunch menu at day care and thus I don't have to buy him much food these days.
Last night we took the kids to the Hokie basketball game. They got free tickets from the Hokie Kids Club, so it's not like it was a waste that we only stayed until halftime. They both did well, though Blythe was begging for popcorn the whole time and her begging got her nowhere.
I bought a paper today to search the Black Friday ads and it looks like Walmart is where it's at (at least for the things I need to buy). I'm considering waking up quite early tomorrow to go. Not to beat out the other shoppers really, but more because I actually have to work tomorrow, so might as well get it done early.
Anyway, we're eating around 5pm today. Had to pick a time that both kids would be awake, which doesn't leave a lot of options. We're having Turducken, which I've never had, but it looks delicious! I'm in charge of rolls and pumpkin pie. A little bit ago Blythe and I made banana bread too. Blythe sat on the counter to help and for every ingredient she said, "I wanna dump it BY MYSELF!" She did well, unlike the other times she has tried where she dumps in half and the other half ends up on the counter.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The wine bar

Friday, November 21, 2008
Flu shots
And Ethan didn't like his new shoes. I bought him new shoes at Target yesterday. They are "almost shoes". One step up from the Robeez he's been wearing, but softer and more flexible than regular shoes. They're the first "almost real" shoes he's ever worn and he didn't like them so much. Kept trying to take them off. And he was cranky too.
So what better time to go get flu shots?!
We've been meaning to go and since it's Ethan's first flu shot we wanted to go to the doctor's office instead of Walgreens or CVS or Kroger. Since it's 20-some-odd degrees out, snowing, and blowing 30 mph, I figured the doctor's office might not be as crowded as normal. Though not that fun to load and unload the kids twice in all that.
We had Blythe go first so she wouldn't know what to expect. It worked. She didn't know what to expect. though she did cry. A lot.
Ethan did well. Cried too of course, but not too much. Poor guy though. He has to get another one in 30 days (the very first time you get a flu shot, you have to get it twice). Oh and between now and then, he has to go for his 9 month appointment and get more shots.
Anyway, no one is here that I can complain to, so I'll complain on my blog. My arm hurts from my flu shot. Anyone feel bad for me?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Shake your booty
Today at day care they wrote in her log that she "likes to show her classmates how she can shake her booty and she says "What are you talkin about Willis" a lot...she says she learned it from her Daddy". Ha ha!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First snow of the season

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Anyway, today while we were in Durham we went to the mall for a bit so Blythe could get some energy out at the mall playground and so Braden could buy some penants. A while ago he had the idea to get a penant for Ethan at each college he visited so one day Ethan could hang them in his room and tell his friends his Dad got all of those for him. Since Braden's a college coach, he goes to a lot of different schools. Well, "one day" became right away as soon as Braden started collecting them. I fought him on it, because I don't want them in the nursery. I'm fine with putting them up when he moves to a big boy room, but for now he is a baby and the nursery is decorated with cute farm animals and it just doesn't go with college penants. Maybe it's me holding on to his babyhood. I want him to be a baby forever. Well not forever, but I'm not ready for him to be a big boy right now.
All that said, I lost the battle. But it was only a few, so not too bad. We still didn't have NC State (both of our alma mater), so today he wanted to get NC State, Duke, UNC, and Wake Forest. The guys went to the sports store at the mall and they came back with like 15 of them. So much for getting them while visiting each school. And so much for having only a few in the nursery. I just want my baby nursery to be for babies. 8 months old is too young to be a big boy!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Watcha talkin about Willis?

Tomorrow we're headed to Durham for Doug and Lynette's baby shower. Should be fun times and we're looking forward to it!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cinnamon Toast
On a cookie sheet, lay out the bread slices. Top them with a cinnamon/sugar mixture. Then cut small slices of stick butter or margarine and lay on top of the cinnamon/sugar. Broil on high for a couple of minutes.
When Blythe sees Braden cutting the butter slices, she tells him "I don't want that on mine". So he tells her it's cheese and asks her if she wants cheese on hers and then she says "yes". A cinnamon/sugar/cheese mixture doesn't sound too good to me (unless it's cream cheese). Anyway, it's a regular breakfast item at our house and Ethan seems to love the cinnamon/sugary, buttery goodness.
Ethan finally seems to be feeling a little better today. No telling how many clothing items he has ruined in the last few days. I haven't washed them yet...and yes, I know that the longer I wait the chances increase that they are permanently ruined. I'm just glad he's starting to seem normal again. Yesterday he fell off the bed. I put him in the middle of the guest room bed, where he is always content to sit and play with toys while I left the room for a second to grab his clothes off the dryer. Apparently he made a beeline for the edge of the bed because within seconds of me leaving I heard a loud boom...and then crying. Oops. Fortunately it's carpet and the bed isn't that high, so I think the damage is minimal, but that was my "bad mom of the day" award for yesterday. I gave him a little Tylenol in case he had a headache later. Blythe was right at the end of the bed too. She didn't save him from falling. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually pulled him off. Now that he's crawling and getting into "her" stuff, she doesn't think twice about pushing him or knocking him over. I keep trying to tell her that he's trying to learn how to stand and she needs to be careful, but I don't think she cares.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ethan's first plane ride
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Breaking the law
1. Call Braden and wait for him to come home to bring me the seat
2. Put Ethan in Blythe's seat and buckle Blythe in a regular seat
I went for option 2 since the trip is 1.5 miles long. Ethan loved sitting forward since he could see the TV! He's still too young to make that permanent though. Blythe initially couldn't see the TV, so I had to stop and move her to another seat. Did I mention the commute is less than 2 miles? Yes, we are THAT dependent on the TV in the car.
Tonight Braden and I are going to the Hokie football game. We actually found a babysitter (they're hard to come by during game times), though it'll be her first time babysitting for us so hopefully all works out. That means I need to clean the house today, and figure out what the kids will do for dinner, and get all their bedtime stuff out...oh, the work involved just to get a night out!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ethan's car

Monday, November 3, 2008
Fall Back
Tomorrow is election day, so make sure you go vote. Here's how Blythe feels about the subject. It's weird because we didn't prompt her to say any of this :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Duck Pond
Anyway, today was a day of firsts for Blythe:
1. First time peeing in the woods.
The weather was spectacular so we went to the Duck Pond (a pond on campus with lots of ducks). We forgot to have Blythe go potty before we left. She had to go, so Daddy took her in the woods. There were no issues, but Daddy made sure to let her know she can't do that very often. Last thing we need is her dropping her pants to go outside unexpectantly (like our next door neighbor's son....but that's another story). Anyway, after we ate lunch we were able to feed the ducks. They can get quite aggressive there. Take a look:
2. First time cleaning out her own potty.
Braden was at practice this morning so it was just me and the kids. I had a work project go bad last night, so I got a phone call while Blythe was pooping on her potty. She kept screaming at me telling me she was done. I kept telling her to hold on. Then I had to run downstairs to look something up and by the time I got upstairs she was standing at the sink rinsing out her potty. I had visions of poop in the sink, but I looked and there was none. I looked in the toilet ("big potty") and there it was. She had dumped it in the big potty and then rinsed it in the sink and didn't get any on the floor. I was so proud!
Until tonight when we went to fill up the bath tub and there were poop pieces in there.
3. First time wearing Mommy's boots.
I had them upstairs from my cow girl costume. She put them on and then thought the tutu would add a nice touch.
And this doesn't really go with the rest of the blog, but I think it is funny. Blythe's negotiating "skills". She has actually been eating more of the things we have for dinner these days, albeit reluctantly. Halfway through dinner she wants to get down to go play, so we have to do a little negotiating. Goes something like this:
Daddy: Blythe, you can get down and go play if you take 3 more bites
Blythe: No, five
Daddy: How 'bout six?
Blythe: Seven
Daddy: Okay, fine. Seven more bites and you can go play.