Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bye bye stump

Brynn lost her umbilical cord stump today. I think she has a cute, little swirly belly button. The nice thing about this is that she can now take a "real" bath instead of the sponge bath she doesn't like so much. Well, turns out she doesn't like real baths very much either. Or maybe she just doesn't like it when Ethan bathes her (cute that he wanted to though).

Actually, I think she just got cold as the bath progressed. And then she was really cold and really ticked off when she got out. Hopefully she will learn (quickly) to love her bath time.

Otherwise, Brynn is going great! She went for a weight check this morning and was at 8 pounds, 9 ounces. Her discharge weight from the hospital was 8 pounds 3 ounces, so she is well on her way to getting back up to her birth weight.

She was a little jaundice when we left the hospital, so the last couple of days have been sunny in the afternoon and we've had some sunlight shining in which meant I could strip her down and lay her in the sunlight. This she really likes and just chills in the sun (I know, such a shocker that my daughter likes to sun bathe...where does she get that???). Managed to get a few pics yesterday of her relaxing.

In the sleep department, things are going pretty well. A few nights ago she went a 5 and a half hour stretch (actually I woke her up after 5 and a half hours at 8:15 in the morning). Then last night she went for about a 5 hour stretch twice in a row. She seemed really tired when she went to bed tonight, so hopefully she'll keep at it and not fall back to 2 or 3 hour stretches.


lynette said...

Ahh! Brynn is so stinkin cute... I swear she already looks like a three month old. So excited to meet her!

Anonymous said...

love to see her bald puffy little baby p---y