Friday, June 18, 2010

Meet the newest addition to our family

His name is "The Fish". As in "Did you feed The Fish?" or "I think The Fish pooped", and "How are we going to change the water for The Fish?"

He's a Beta fish that Blythe got at Vacation Bible School this week. They were very clear that you must have parent permission in order to bring one home. Neither Braden or I were there, but somehow Blythe still ended up with one. And she got food for it too, so it's not like she just picked one up and walked out of there with it.

She had Vacation Bible School at church Sunday through Wednesday evening this week. Being busy with Brynn, I only managed to make it out there for the dinner portion on Wednesday. Ethan also went on some of the days. On Sunday and Tuesday he went and had dinner, then watched the skit they put on each day, sang the songs, then went to the nursery to play with his friend Soren. On Wednesday Soren was sick, so instead of going to the nursery, he went with Blythe's preschool group to the various activities and boy did he love that!

Since I went to dinner on Wednesday, I also stayed to watch the skit and the songs. Blythe and Ethan were so cute sitting together and singing. There was one song where you are supposed to clap hands with the person next to you on a certain part of the song and they would clap hands with each other on completely the wrong part of the song, but it was neat to watch them getting along so well.

On Monday Blythe got to be in the skit with her friend Ginsey.

So anyway, Blythe and Ethan both had a great time, but I really missed them those days! They would pretty much go straight from day care to church and come home just in time for bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, how sweet. I'm sure you did miss them, but wasn't it heartwarming to see them getting along so well together. Love "the fish"!
