Sunday, June 6, 2010

Possibly the worst night ever

Last night was one of the worst sleep nights ever in the Holloway household. Let me do a little recap of it for you...

Just about every night when I put Brynn down, she wakes up about an hour later. So I waited for that, but she kept on sleeping. So I went to bed around 10:15 last night. She woke at about 11:30 to eat. About midnight I went back to bed. Sometime after that, I'm not sure what time, Ethan came to our room. So Braden got up and took him back. At about 2:00-ish, we heard Ethan screaming (like REALLY screaming) in the bathroom. So Braden jumped out of bed to see what was up. Apparently he had thrown up ALL over his bed (there was nothing on his bed that didn't have throw up on it) and then went to the bathroom to clean himself up. He fell off the stool in the bathroom, which is what made him scream out. So Braden got Ethan cleaned up and brought him to me in our bed while he changed out everything on Ethan's bed and started a load of laundry. This took quite some time, but he finished and came to our bed to get Ethan. At which time Ethan threw up in our bed.

So Braden grabbed him and ran to the bathroom, where Ethan threw up more in the bathtub. While Braden got him cleaned up, I changed out the sheets on our bed. Then I got Ethan some Children's Pepto Bismol, and Braden took him back to his room where he fell back asleep and didn't throw up any more the rest of the night.

Brynn somehow slept through all that, but then woke at 2:45. I let her cry it out for 15 minutes, but she kept going, so I got up and fed her. She then woke again at 5:30 and again I let her cry it out (really she shouldn't need to eat AGAIN after less than 3 hours!). But she kept going, so I got up to feed her again at 5:45.

You would have thought after Ethan's ordeal that he might sleep in this morning. But instead I woke to the sound of Brynn's mobile, which I registered very quickly that she could not turn on by herself. In checking the monitor, I could see that Ethan had turned on the lights in her room and climbed into her crib where he was standing about an inch from her head playing with her mobile. Braden quickly went and got him and brought him to our room, where he of course never went back to sleep. Brynn actually slept through that ordeal, but woke up about 30 minutes later.

After I went in to get Brynn, I fed her and Ethan came in so I could read him a book while I fed Brynn. He managed somehow to sit kind of on my lap while I read and when he jumped down, I realized he had peed his underpants and therefore made a nice wet spot on my pajama pants. Lovely.


Anonymous said...

Oh - that is a doosie! Sorry and hope everyone got some rest today.

Anonymous said...

All this and house guests too?? I'm guessing you didn't get any rest today. Hope you all had fun, and hope no one else gets what Ethan had.