Monday, May 31, 2010

You fight and you die

Today is Memorial Day. I was trying to explain to Blythe that she didn't have school today because today is a holiday...Memorial Day. Apparently someone else had already explained this to her because she said, "yes, you fight and you die". Um....true....wonder where she got that explanation.

So to celebrate the holiday, we headed to the pool where it clouded up as soon as we got there and started to rain a bit and then we got a brief thunderstorm so we left. I think it is bad luck to take me to the pool. We went yesterday and the same thing happened. Day before that...same thing (except no thunder, just rain). Other than those few times at the pool, the weather has been quite nice this holiday weekend.

Brynn has been enjoying her experiences at the pool. She spends her time either eating or sleeping. I've decided it will be a very nice summer for me. Push the stroller to the pool (for a little workout), then hang out and read by the pool for a bit while Brynn hangs out in her car seat in the shade.

Blythe and Ethan are loving the pool as well. I think we will be spending LOTS of time there in the next few months.

The other big news for today is that my cousin Sarah had her baby today! Welcome to the world baby Grant!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Brynn looks so peaceful. Thanks for sending the pictures. Sorry about the weather, but it looks like Blythe is enjoying the pool.


aichiba said...

Cute picture of Brynn. More stories on how the nights are going...