Saturday, June 12, 2010

A visit to the zoo

Today we decided to head to Natural Bridge Zoo and bring Luke, Ashley, and Amy along. So, of course, you're wondering, "Do 5 car seats and 3 adults fit in a Honda Odyssey?" The answer...yes, but only if you shove Braden in the back seat between 2 car seats so that he's a little uncomfortable (at best).

So anyway, we got there no problem but it was a hot and humid day. The zoo is a mix of a "regular" zoo and a petting zoo, so we bought ourselves a couple of bags of feed and fortunately convinced Blythe, Ashley, and eventually Luke that it was okay to feed the animals. Ethan was never convinced. He did touch a deer one time with one finger, but that was it. Oh, and he also touched a baby ostrich. It bit him and he cried. Maybe that's why he didn't want to touch any more animals. He was much more interested in the various tractors there and asked me, "can I go touch a wheel?"

Blythe loved feeding the animals. She fed camels, deer, llamas, goats, and probably some others.

We brought a picnic lunch and ate it there in the hot and humid temps. I needed to feed Brynn, plus she was sweating like crazy, so I took her inside in the gift shop area where it was air conditioned. While I did that, Amy and Braden took the kids to see the bears and tigers (and a few others) and feed the goats. All the kids were red in the face with heat and sweating profusely so once they were done Amy and Braden told them it was time to go and they all asked, "WHY?" Ha!

They don't look hot at all, do they?

It poured down rain on the way home and rained the rest of the day, so I guess hot and humid is better that stuck-in-the-pouring-down-rain.

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