And speaking of gymnastics, obviously I finally remembered to bring my camera. This was the last gymnastics class. As usual, it was an ordeal to get out the door. Then Braden called just before we were leaving. When he's at ACC's, we rarely talk since our schedules are very different and we're both just so busy. So I wanted to talk, but capped it at 6 or 7 minutes. So that meant we were 6-7 minutes late leaving. I was hoping the parking issue would not be so bad and we'd get a close spot so we'd only be a couple minutes late. Fortunately there was someone just getting to their car so I put on my blinker and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. And screamed obscenities (no curse words, but everything else was free game). Then waited and waited and screamed some more. Maybe he didn't see me. So I moved forward so he could see I was waiting. Finally he put on his reverse lights. Yay! I had to back up to let him out. Only now there was someone on my ass and they wouldn't back up. UGH! I was so frustrated. So I missed that spot after waiting so long. I tried driving all the way around the drillfield (probably at least 2/3 mile around), but of course someone else had already gotten it. So I had to park far away. And by now it was 9:10 and the class is over at 9:30, but I brought my camera dammit and it was the last class, so we were going. I put Ethan in the backpack and told Blythe we had to run. That worked for a while until she said she didn't want to run anymore. Also she was wearing capri tights and it was 20 degrees out. So I picked her up and we ran (and don't forget I had Ethan on my back). Running with an extra 55+ pounds is quite the workout. But we made it for about 10-15 minutes of gymnastics. All so I could get a couple of video clips for you blog readers.
Here she is on the "tumble track"
And here she is doing "princess toes" on the balance beam. Notice how she manages to tell her instructor she has Cinderella on her shirt, all while balancing on the beam. Oh, the talent.
So we walk the long walk back to the car afterwards. As we're approaching the car, I notice one of the sliding side doors is open. So in my rush to get to the all important gymnastics class, I left a door wide open. And my purse on the front passenger seat. For anyone to take. Fortunately, no one did.
And here he is on his back, just as relaxed as can be. I think we might have a future backstroker on our hands.
And an update on Braden's swimmers - they started the meet last night with 2 relays. They got new school records in both of them, so they're off to an excellent start!
After what seemed like an eternity of doing that over and over again (which was really only about 50 minutes), we were ready to stop and take a breather. Would have been nice to sit at a table outside in the sun and watch the skiers, except all the tables were full. Trend of the day. So we shuttled over to pick up Ethan. Though I had paid for 3 hours of day care, he was only there an hour and a half. But we were cutting our losses and going home. Lessons learned: there are hundreds of church groups that come on weekends and they like to snowtube, therefore, don't snowtube on a weekend (skiing would be fine though).
Here's one more pic of Blythe and I on the snowtube. She made me go with her a couple of times and I feared for the lives of the small children we nearly killed.
All that lack of snowtubing made us tired, so we went to bed early last night! I forgot that I had volunteered our family to greet at church this morning, so unfortunately for Emily she had to come with us and wear jeans, which made her a little self-conscious, even though anything goes at our church and people wear jeans all the time. Sorry about that, Emily.
After church, Emily and I went to the VT/NC State basketball game to cheer on the Wolfpack. I cheer for the Hokies unless they are playing NC State. Seemed like a lock after NC State was up by 18 points in the second half, but anyone who cheers for NC State knows not to take a big lead for granted. It ended up going into overtime and then the Wolfpack lost. So disappointing. Damn disappointing Wolfpack.
During the game I checked my email on my Blackberry and saw some emails from some neighborhood residents. Apparently the fraternity house near our neighborhood had had a party the night before and we had some issues with people parking in the neighborhood and walking through the streets being loud. I think some neighbors approached the "street walkers" about it and to retaliate, the frat people came back with eggs and egged peoples cars. Sure enough, they had egged Emily's car. We've never really had a problem with that frat house before, so to say the neighborhood was ticked off would be a huge understatement.
So that's how Emily's visit ended (though Braden had actually washed it off her car before we got back from the game). No snowtubing, an unexpected church visit, a deflating loss by the Wolfpack, and an egged car. But I still think we managed to have a pretty good time.
Oh, and I almost forgot that Emily brought up Blythe's birthday present from she and my other best friend Sue. A Big Wheel! Blythe loved it! She's got some room to grow into it yet, as her feet don't quite push the pedals hard enough. By this summer I'm sure she'll be riding it all over the place.