Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ethan's walking

I finally got a short video clip of Ethan taking some steps. I've been trying for about a week with no luck. Last night he was really doing great, but of course my camera battery died. So here he is walking, though he can go much further than this.

Blythe ended up having a great birthday the other day. Apologies to anyone who called. The Princess wasn't taking calls that day and wouldn't speak to anyone on the phone. I didn't have to plan anything for her birthday because the "club" started doing "birthday night" on every 3rd Tuesday for anyone who had a birthday that month (any kids at least). Fortunately for us, it actually fell on her real birthday, so we went there and they had balloons, and a big (delicious) cake with candles she got to blow out and lots of people singing "Happy Birthday". It was like we had planned a big celebration!

And it's supposed to be a bit warmer today and tomorrow, so maybe Blythe will be able to try out her new bike outside. And if we're all really lucky, I may even get some video footage to share!

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