Recently we discovered that there seemed to be some food missing from our refrigerator each morning. Well, not every morning, just every now and then. Initially, a few things of yogurt were missing. Then we noticed the american cheese was dwindling away. The apple juice seemed to be disappearing as well. Then even more recently it was the cottage cheese and the hot dogs. One day Braden seemed to think one of his beers was missing too. Naturally, we blamed each other. I mean, really, who else could it be? But I don't drink beer and Braden doesn't eat cottage cheese, and cold hot dogs are just plain disgusting.
The dogs sleep in kennels, and unless they figured out a way to unlock them, get out, open the refrigerator, then lock themselves back in their cages, it couldn't be them.
Our neighbors have a key to our house. Just from process of elimination, we started to suspect them (and considered getting an alarm system for the house).
Anyway, we were able to set up our camera on night vision and set the timer to take pictures every few minutes throughout the night. So imagine our surprise this morning when we found this image on our camera:

Crazy, huh?
This is possibly your funniest blog!
I laughed out loud!
That is GREAT! They look so cute!
So, I'm pretty sure Ethan took the beer and Blythe stole the cottage cheese!! If you didn't sleep with that "white noise" maker, maybe you would have heard them!!!
Peep and I are certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that Big Sister was just taking care of a hungry Little Brother, all the while not wanting to disturb Mom and Dad....Those two can raid my frig any time!!!
Nice :) I have this image in my head of them making an escape ladder out of pillow cases to get Ethan out of the crib... haha...
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