and she and Braden went outside to build a snowman (which she later named "Friendly"... I think she meant to name it "Frosty" but she forgot his name). While they were building the snowman, I layered up Ethan in about 8 layers of clothes since he has no real winter gear. I put him in snow boots that were 3 sizes too big and some pink mittens, since I left his blue ones at day care. At least I was smart enough to buy blue snow boots for Blythe back then. So since Ethan couldn't walk so well in all that, I had to carry him around, which meant I was unable to get any pictures or video of the snowball fight with the neighbors, the "biggest snowball ever", or the sledding action (in which Ethan participated and did several rolls through the snow).
After that, it continued to snow and snow and snow and snow some more. So we woke up to this:

And no day care. Crap. At least Braden was home now to help watch the kids and shovel the driveway.

Fortunately, it has stopped snowing. And although it only made it up to about 22 degrees today, the sun was out which helped melt it off of the streets and it's now clear enough to even see the moon.

She's just not a fan of pants, huh? :)
Did she wear that to church?
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