Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ethan 1 year update

There was too much to blog about Ethan's birthday weekend that I didn't blog about his 1 year status update. So let's see:
  • He sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes 1 nap a day now (except on Saturday he usually takes 2 because he's so tired from the whole week)
  • He still isn't saying too many words, though he's getting good at the "d" sounds, so he says "door" and "Dora" and "dah" for doggie, and "Duh" for duck. He also uses his favorite word, "No" quite often, especially directed at Blythe when she tries to snatch a toy from him.
  • He's very good at walking, but can't quite get into the standing position from sitting without pulling up on something. Now that it's getting warmer out, we've also had the doors open and he's been practicing getting over the threshold without falling down.
  • I think his favorite toy right now are decorative reeds we have in the dining room that he is "not allowed" to get. He loves getting them anyway and walking around with them like he has a sword.
  • As you can tell from previous posts, he loves dancing and especially loves dancing with Daddy.
  • Speaking of Daddy, Ethan loves him. More than Blythe did at this age. He gets separation anxiety more with Daddy than with Mommy.
  • He loves reading books and he especially likes turning the pages.
  • He now has 7 teeth. After about 2 months of drooling like a fool and me thinking number 7 was on it's way, it has finally come through.
  • He doesn't like the daylight savings time change so much. Now his room is dark when he wakes up so he cries in the mornings.

So anyway, that's a pretty good recap. He is now on his 4th day in the Toddler room at daycare and LOVES it. He just walks right in and he could care less that we leave him there. He has been napping better in that room than he did in the nursery, but must be much more active because he is TIRED (and cranky) in the evenings. He also has his never-ending runny nose, but what else is new?

I don't have his stats (height, weight, etc) because he doesn't go to the doctor until next Tuesday. When I called like a month ago, they said that was their earliest opening. Whatever.

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