Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Out for a drive

Our next door neighbors have 3 kids. Sophie - who's 11, Frank - who's 6, and Ginsey - who's 3 (almost 4). Ginsey is one of Blythe's best friends. So when the weather is nice we are outside playing with them a lot. They especially love it when Braden is home because he'll participate in water balloon fights, soccer games, whatever. Therefore, Braden is one of Frank's best friends. But a lot of times Frank is the only boy. So when I was pregnant with Ethan and we found out it was a boy, Frank was so excited. "Finally someone to play basketball with!" he said (not quite realizing he would be 5 years older than Ethan).

So anyway, we finally have a few nice days where we can play outside after day care. While Ethan's not quite ready to take on Frank in basketball, they did have a good time riding "the gator" together.

So cute. Ethan loved it and Frank loved being the "big brother" too. Later he asked if he could pull Ethan around in the wagon, which I of course responded with "absolutely!". I was getting tired of pulling Ethan around in a big circle on the driveway OVER, and OVER again.

While Frank and Ethan's weren't driving the gator, Ginsey and Blythe were. Ginsey was actually a pretty good driver and could steer and stay on the sidewalk. Blythe was not such a good driver. Here they are after they put helmets on in preparation for Blythe to drive.

Probably a good thing we talked Santa Claus into not giving Blythe an electronic car for Christmas (read: good thing Mary talked some sense into Braden). Ginsey, being 9 months older, was way more coordinated. So by the time Blythe is almost 4, she might be ready for one and we may even trust her enough to drive Ethan around too.

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