Thursday, May 27, 2010

The first night at home

So I'm sure you're all dying to know how the first night at home went. Sleep was definitely in short supply. I fed Brynn and put her down around 8:15pm. She did great for about an hour and was hungry again at 9:30. Fed her again and she did okay for about an hour again. Around 11 she was fussy, but I really didn't want to feed her every hour and a half, so Braden went in there and soothed her and gave her a pacifier, so maybe she would make it to midnight before eating again. Worked well until the pacifier came out so I had to fix it for her every 5-10 minutes until 11:50pm when I figured she was close enough to midnight. After I put her down after that feeding, she didn't go long before she woke up from an explosion in her diaper. Braden dealt with that one and the 5 that followed shortly after. She seemed relieved after all that so I went back in to feed her again at 1:45. So finally Braden got to go back to bed. Except then Ethan got up and then threw a little tantrum when Braden brought him back to his own bed.

Brynn fussed again at about 2:30 because her hat came over her eyes, so I fixed that and went back to bed. I didn't get up again until 5:00am when she wanted to eat. Guess I was so tired, I didn't realize Braden got up again at 3 something because Ethan was in the hall. So Braden took him back to his own room, but had to stay with him for about an hour.

After Brynn got up at 5 to eat, she went back to sleep and didn't get up until almost 8am.

Ethan came and woke me up at about 7:15 though to go potty.

So the second half of the night was really good for Brynn. Ethan was a little nightmare, so hopefully he doesn't repeat that again. As Braden said this morning, "I was prepared to be up for Brynn. Not for Ethan."

We'll see how tonight goes...


Amy said...

Goodness how you easily forget those nights and a newborn first few weeks. I just read it to Mike and I have to admit both us agree we are done!

Anonymous said...

Bruce and I were sleeping in the basement and didn't hear a peep. But the look on Braden's face this morning said it all.....he was so tired. I hope tonight is better for everyone.


aichiba said...

The 5 poopie diapers sounded bad enough but add that to everything else and I'm not sure how you guys could function the next day. Sounds like Blythe slept through it all.

Sarah said...

Yeah... a few more restful nights with baby in my belly doesn't sound so bad now.