Saturday, May 29, 2010

Days 2 and 3 at home

The last 2 nights haven't been much better in the sleep department. The good news is that Ethan has stayed in his bed (except for once last night) and we haven't had to change Brynn's clothes in the middle of the night (except once early in the night last night when she peed on her jammies mid-changing).

Otherwise she is still wanting to eat every 2-2.5 hours, which doesn't leave a lot of time for me sleeping. I felt we made some progress last night as I was finally able to get her to burp after each feeding. And the feeding, changing, burping process only took 20-25 minutes (versus about 45 minutes the night before). So I guess we are making "baby" steps.

My milk came in a few days ago and I'm still trying to figure out why the mother's body always makes enough milk to feed at least quadruplets at the very beginning. It's so freaking uncomfortable and I'm motivated to feed her every 2 hours just to get a tiny ounce of relief. Doesn't make for a good combination in trying to extend those feedings to at least every 3 or 3.5 hours. Oh well. Maybe next week we'll work on that.

Blythe and Ethan are doing well with Brynn. Blythe likes to touch her face a lot and is very gentle. Otherwise she doesn't take a whole lot of interest yet. She does like to say her name..."Brynn ALittleBit Holloway". Ethan wants to help me change her diaper, bathe her, etc. He also always wants me to put her in the swing or the bouncer or the pack n play. After all, these things are out...they need to be used. And apparently he feels that if Brynn isn't using them, then he should. I'm hoping to make it through the baby stage without him breaking at least half of them. He also is ready for her to play toys with him. He's always giving her cars to "hold" and says things like "I want him play trains with me". I've tried explaining that she's a girl, but I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually.

I've taken only a couple of recent pictures and haven't downloaded them yet. So here's one from the other day.

The puffiness in her face is going down. Will get some more pictures taken and uploaded hopefully today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the updated version of Brynn. Sounds like things are going pretty well. You're doing a good job, honey, just hang in there. I love you!