Saturday, May 8, 2010

37 weeks..."full term"

I'm officially considered "full-term" now, even though my due date is 20 days away. And I guess I'm at the point where I look like I could pop at any moment. Blythe says to me almost daily, "Mom, look how big your tummy is!". And random neighbors who I rarely see (and therefore don't even know my due date) say "wow looks like you could go at any time". Even about 3 weeks ago at Blythe's first t-ball game someone asked when I was due and I said 6 weeks and they said, "huh....I would have guessed like 1 or 2 weeks". Yep, okay, I get it. I'm ginormous. However - I just might come in under my 40 pound wait gain goal. To think I weighed almost 10 pounds more when I was pregnant with Blythe. No wonder I had such a hard time sleeping then.

And I think I was heavier then, not necessarily because I had 2 donuts and a french vanilla cappicino every day, but because I was allowed to sit on my butt and do nothing. No running after 2 kids. Getting 2 kids dressed and fed for school. No brushing kids teeth at night. No carrying kids around on my hip up or down stairs. Such was the life! But I've also never liked being pregnant. And I remember being pregnant that first time, knowing I probably wanted 3 kids and thinking "I have to go through this 2 more times". And now I'm almost at the end. And I'm not sad about it one bit.

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