After we got to the hospital yesterday, I got all hooked up to the IV and after a little while my water broke on its own. Then things really started to speed up so I went ahead and got the epidural. For a short while things were relaxed and I figured I'd sit here for a good portion of the day waiting for baby to arrive. But then things really sped up. I told the nurse I thought I was making good progress and she said she'd get the table (of tools) ready and check me when she came back. But a couple minutes later I felt the need to push, so I had Braden go get the nurse. She came in, checked quickly and confirmed it was go time. A quick call to the doctor to get here NOW and Miss Brynn was a coming. I kept telling the nurses I wanted to push and they kept saying NO! just breathe. Not so easy to do. Fortunately the doctor got here quickly and about 4 pushes later she was out. All 8 pounds 13.2 ounces of her!
Here's me "breathing" and trying not to push.

The epidural was not very strong by the time I got to pushing, so it was quite painful, but the good news was that I was able to walk around much quicker than I had with my other 2. And it was nice that she was born at 11:33am so I was able to have lunch...woohoo!
Gommy, Poppa, and Laura came to see the new arrival and we passed Brynn around while she was enjoying her "alert" stage taking it all in. When she was born, she didn't scream. Didn't make a peep actually. Not when she came out, not when she was being cleaned off, not when she was being weighed or measured. Had me a little concerned at first actually, but we found out later she is capable of crying. She wasn't the biggest fan of her first sponge bath. 

Later in the day, Gommy and Poppa picked up Blythe and Ethan from school and told them the good news. When Blythe saw Amy (Ashley's mom), she told her, "I have a new sister. It's a GIRL! Just what I wanted!"

They brought Blythe and Ethan to the hospital to see their new sister. They had minor interest in the baby. They cared more for the fish in the waiting room and the lollipops and new toys I had gotten for them. I'm sure they will take a much bigger interest in her when we get home.

Speaking of which, we'll be heading home tomorrow. She's been eating well, but very sleepy today so not wanting to wake up to eat. So I'm hoping she doesn't lose too much weight before tomorrow. Otherwise she is completely healthy and perfect.

Welcome little sweetie! Let me lay some ground work here while you can't argue...
1. No dating till you can drive.
2. No driving till your 21!!!
3. You can't go to UNC for school.
more to come! haha
Love you,
Oh, Brynn, we can't wait to have you home tomorrow!! You are just too precious!!
Gommy, Poppa, and Aunt Laura
Welcome to the world sweet girl! We can't wait to meet you next week and get in some snuggle time with you. And I agree with your Daddy... no UNC. Sorry :) Congratulations Holloways!!
Congratulations Holloways! She is absolutely beautiful...and WAY bigger than my two babies! Fun fact: Jacob was born at 11:33 p.m. on his birthday. :)
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