If only I had pictures to scan from my sister's Thriller birthday party she had when she was 6 or 7 and she and I looked so cool in our knee socks (pulled up to our knees of course. In Texas. Because it's so cold in the summer you need fabric covering the lower half of your leg.) and velcro shoes, and really short shorts. We were the coolest. And my sister was the BIGGEST Michael Jackson fan all growing up. If I had to hear one more thing about Michael's monkey Bubbles, I was going to lose it! She always had posters of him in her room and pretty much knew everything about him. And that was before internet, so it wasn't exactly easy to obtain the information.
Or if I had a video of the dance my brother and I made up (along with our friends) to the song "Black and White", except not only was it a dance video, it was actually a whole new song named "Dumb or Smart". I still know some of the lyrics. If only....
Then you might know how cool I really was back in the day.
Alas, my children will never really know the awesomeness of Michael Jackson, but they will certainly hear his music. I still love listening to his songs. I think I burned a Michael Jackson CD in college, and it was the first CD I had ever burned. Pretty sure I downloaded the songs off of Napster, before it was illegal to "share" songs. Ah the memories...
We will miss you Michael Jackson.
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