To celebrate, I took him to the doctor today to get 3 shots. He wasn't exactly celebrating...
Anyway, here are his stats:
24 lbs (50th percentile)
32 inches long (75th percentile)
18.75 inch head circumference (about 35th percentile)
All is A-okay with him, except his never-ending case of eczema on his butt. Poor guy got his weird eczema skin from me.
So here's what he's doing these days:
- He can now run. Pretty much falls every time he does this, but loves doing it anyway.
- He's trying to jump. On the couch. One day very soon he will fall off (hopefully not near the brick fireplace).
- He loves balls (golf balls, basketballs, soccer balls, you name it). And his current favorite toy is the Little Tikes basketball goal.
- He loves to get dirty. Tonight he threw sand all over his face and his hair and his clothes and then found a muddy puddle to play in.
- He likes playing with cars and trucks and is starting to make the "vrooom" sound when playing with them.
- So he is very much a boy. Talking has been of a lesser priority, but he has made vast improvements this month in that category. His favorite word to say is "Daddy". He says it all happy and loving. On the other hand, when he says "Mama", it's when he needs or wants something and not exactly in the happy and loving way.
- Other words he's starting to say: ball (shocker), go, bye-bye, hi, eye (anything that rhymes with "I"), car, truck, dis, dat, and his favorite..dah (which can mean doggie, bird, wagon, or anything else he can't say).
- Today on the way to the doctor, he actually said "doctor". I was pretty sure he said it and then Blythe says "Ethan said 'doctor'", so that confirmed it.
On a side note, while I was out of town Braden went to the mall with kids and bought Blythe a dress at Gap Outlet. Look at how good he did!

Such a cute dress, don't ya think?
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