Thursday, June 11, 2009

My world is spinning out of control!

Oh, I'm having one of those weeks where my attempts to be the perfect mother, wife, employee, pet-owner, maid, volunteer, and friend are failing!

First to go by the wayside is probably my "perfection" at being a maid (as if I were ever even close). Currently living in filth (by my standards). One of these days I will get around to cleaning (likely before my mother comes to visit next weekend). Second to fall by the wayside would probably be personal hygiene. I'm not exactly thrilled by the way I look (or smell) at the moment. Showering and drying my hair takes so much time! But it's not as if I've been all that sweaty since my workout routine has also been pretty terrible this week.

And I'm pretty sure my dogs want me to disown them about now. I didn't take them on a walk today or yesterday or the day before (or maybe I did...I can't remember). I think I fed them...better go check.

This all stems from my overload of work and my 2 over-needy clients who won't leave me alone. This whole working full-time thing is really cramping my style. I did manage to make it to Ethan's field trip yesterday and Blythe's field trip today, but probably at the expense of the projects I'm working on. Oh well.

I hate feeling stressed like this. It messes up my brain. I finally had a few minutes today to balance my checkbook (aka update Quicken) and I was shocked to find I had $56 in my checking account. Because I thought I transferred money in when I really transferred money out. Seriously. Losing it.

Anyway, can't blog for long as I have minutes to do for our homeowners association and games to plan for Vacation Bible School which starts this weekend. As I have the complete inability to say "No!" when someone asks me to do something. Is there a help group for people like me? Did I mention I'm no longer just a room mom at daycare, but the parent-teacher council coordinator? Where did I think I would find the time?


Amy said...

Same way for a Tsunami hitting me (and you)??? I have complete lost it!

lynette said...

Boy do I know that feeling! There is no group for people like us, but we can most certainly start one. I'll let you be the VP, you know.. since you like having more things to do :)

Carrie said...

It's the same way for me, too! I feel like I can do it all, but I always over-extend myself. It must be a mom thing. At least we can all feel better in knowing that a man sure as hell couldn't do what we do as well as we do it!