Monday, June 29, 2009

Ethan's first haircut

I took the kids to SuperCuts yesterday, which isn't SuperCheap, but I took Blythe there for her first haircut and they fill out a nice "first haircut" certificate with some of the hair for the baby book, so I figured we'd go there for Ethan's first haircut experience. We tried to get him in the chair first, but he wasn't having it. So Blythe went first to show him how easy it is (not that she's an old pro - since it was only her 3rd haircut). Then after that he was okay with sitting in the chair too.

Blythe brought him cars to play with while sitting in the chair.

And even with Ethan turning his head this way and that, the stylist managed to give him a cute little boy haircut.

1 comment:

aichiba said...

He is such a cutie!