Monday, June 29, 2009
Ethan's first haircut
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A doggy dilemma
And it doesn't stop there.
Juni, our lab, is abnormal in that she doesn't like to chew. Well, she did when she was a puppy (thus the huge bill we had to replace the carpet in a house we rented due to chewing a big hole in the middle of the living room carpet). But nowadays she won't chew at all, no rawhides, not even a big nice ham bone. What this means is that she has terrible teeth. She's 5 years old and they are very bad, so she needs to get them cleaned. Which means general anesthesia, which of course equates to dollars.
Okay, simple enough. Pay money so Juni can get her teeth cleaned. But actually, not that simple. You see, this year in her exam they discovered a heart murmur. A level 2 on a scale of 6. So not bad, just something to watch out for. But they won't give her anesthesia for teeth cleaning unless she has an echo cardiogram by a vet cardiologist.
So fortunately Virginia Tech has a vet school, so a vet cardiologist is right here in town. But I'll have to shell out a few hundred for the echo cardiogram, which I'm sure will show that her heart is doing okay and that she can get her teeth cleaned. Either that, I guess, or they'll say she can't get anesthesia in which case she can't get her teeth cleaned and will add on another health risk. I'm not exactly seeing the silver lining here.
The thing is, we all like Juni more than Bogie (good thing dogs can't read blogs) and I've never really envisioned a world where we had only Bogie and no Juni. So I'd like to do what I can to prevent that. If only money grew on trees...
Friday, June 26, 2009
RIP Michael Jackson

Monday, June 22, 2009
Goodbye 20's...hello 30's!

So while they napped, we got out the Dairy Queen Blizzard ice cream cake (so we didn't have to share with them).

Friday, June 19, 2009
There's no crying in...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Crap, I better watch my language
Ethan points at his empty cup and then to the apple juice to tell me he wants more. So I poor him some, then I say, "Say 'Thank you'". And Ethan says "duh duh". And I say "Good!" (because you know, he said 2 syllables, so that counts for something).
So then Blythe will say, "Mom, Ethan didn't say 'thank you'." Either that or she'll cut me off earlier and say, "Ethan doesn't know how to say that". It's no wonder he doesn't say a lot since he has his own personal translator!
Then sometimes she will point out when Ethan does say something, like when we were on our way to the doctor and Ethan said 'doctor'. So yesterday we were in the car and Ethan said "Cah (like Cat, but without the 't'). Blythe says, "Mom...Ethan said 'crap'". Mental note - need to watch what I'm saying. So I say, "No he didn't". She says, "Yes, he did. He said 'CRAP!'". Again, I say no, he didn't. So then I think she senses that maybe she shouldn't say that, so she starts back peddling and saying he said 'cap', then she says he said 'cat' (trying to get back to her sweet, innocent self). Alas, she said her first bad word, but it certainly could have been worse. That day, I'm sure, will come and will likely be really loud and in a public place. Yikes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Vacation Bible School
So really it's Blythe's first experience in a camp. Although she does take direction each day at day care (or so I'm led to believe), this is different because she doesn't know the people who are leading her around and telling her what to do. So the first day she was quite clueless about what was going on. But I think she had a good time. She did crafts, games, and playground (the preschool group does playground each day as one of their activities because who are we can't hold a preschooler's attention for a full hour and there's 19 of them so who would want to!). Then yesterday after I picked her up from day care, we went back for Day 2. She clued in a little more yesterday and I think enjoyed it more. Her activities were Science/Sensory, Music, and - you guessed it - playground.
I had previously volunteered to run the games activity. So we have 2 games each day for 3 different groups of kids to play. So that's 8 different games each modified 3 different ways so preschoolers through 6th grade can all play them. It gets a little exhausting, but overall it's been fun. Plus I haven't had to worry about what to cook for dinner!
So while Blythe and I are there, Braden and Ethan have had some bonding time. Sunday they went to Walmart for groceries (the ultimate male bonding experience). Yesterday they played with chalk outside and had a hot dog dinner that they ate on the floor. Fun times!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hey, that's a nice alarm clock!

Friday, June 12, 2009
I smell poop
So anyway, during the summer in Blacksburg on Friday evenings they have a free summer concert. The music is usually mediocre at best, but the kids get to run around with other kids and enjoy being outside. It was cancelled the last 2 weeks due to rain, but today it was beautiful - partly cloudy and about 75 degrees. So we packed a picnic dinner to take with us. Of course the kids begged for all of the food I was putting in the cooler as I was putting it in, so I held them off with a few snacks (while dreaming of a nice big glass of wine for myself). FINALLY we were about ready to go.
Then I smelled poop.
Of course Ethan has to poop every time we're just about to go somewhere. But I guess that's better than waiting until we get somewhere that's not home. So after a 2 minute argument with him, I finally get him to lay down to change him. And then of course, Blythe says she needs to go to the bathroom. We'll never get out of the house!
Anyway, I was surprised to find Ethan's hadn't pooped. Man, he can have some stinky farts. But I change him anyway and yell at Blythe to hurry up. That's when I hear her crying in the bathroom.
So I go in there and the first thing I see is that the toilet is FULL of toilet paper. Coming out the sides. Everywhere. Ugh! Then I notice she's standing next to the toilet with her underwear around her ankles and it's full of poop. "Mommy! I pooped in my pants!" she's crying. "It's on my legs!" There's small specs of poop on her legs, but apparently she doesn't care about the mass of poop still stuck to her butt. I help her get her shoes off so we can carefully remove the underwear without getting poop everywhere. Then I try to remove some of the toilet paper from the toilet so MAYBE it will flush. It did. Thank goodness! About this time, Ethan comes in and is showing quite the interest in the poopy underwear. So I'm yelling at him to get out. And Blythe's crying that she still has poop on her legs. And I have this underwear in my hands that's full of poop. And I think I saw that Bogie peed a little just outside of the bathroom. What to do first?
I throw away the underwear. I'll be damned if I'm going to clean that out. Not worth it. Then I clean the potty area so Ethan doesn't touch poop. Then I clean up Bogie's mess (which turned out not to be pee...probably was apple juice). Then I make it around to having to clean up Blythe. And as I do I realize she must have pooped well before she ever went to the bathroom. I had thought she just couldn't get her clothes off fast enough, but now I'm confused. So it's really stuck on there pretty good. Have to use like at least 10 wipes. Oh, incredibly disgusting! I run upstairs to get Blythe some new clothes, leaving both kids crying at the baby gate at the bottom because I won't let them come up with me. Blythe gets her new clothes on, we get our shoes on, and FINALLY make it to the car.
We make it to campus, park, set up camp, then find out there is no band. No music.
Well, I packed a picnic dammit, and we actually made it here. So we had our picnic and enjoyed the nice weather while I answered work phone calls non-stop at 7:30 at night. What a lovely Friday!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My world is spinning out of control!
First to go by the wayside is probably my "perfection" at being a maid (as if I were ever even close). Currently living in filth (by my standards). One of these days I will get around to cleaning (likely before my mother comes to visit next weekend). Second to fall by the wayside would probably be personal hygiene. I'm not exactly thrilled by the way I look (or smell) at the moment. Showering and drying my hair takes so much time! But it's not as if I've been all that sweaty since my workout routine has also been pretty terrible this week.
And I'm pretty sure my dogs want me to disown them about now. I didn't take them on a walk today or yesterday or the day before (or maybe I did...I can't remember). I think I fed them...better go check.
This all stems from my overload of work and my 2 over-needy clients who won't leave me alone. This whole working full-time thing is really cramping my style. I did manage to make it to Ethan's field trip yesterday and Blythe's field trip today, but probably at the expense of the projects I'm working on. Oh well.
I hate feeling stressed like this. It messes up my brain. I finally had a few minutes today to balance my checkbook (aka update Quicken) and I was shocked to find I had $56 in my checking account. Because I thought I transferred money in when I really transferred money out. Seriously. Losing it.
Anyway, can't blog for long as I have minutes to do for our homeowners association and games to plan for Vacation Bible School which starts this weekend. As I have the complete inability to say "No!" when someone asks me to do something. Is there a help group for people like me? Did I mention I'm no longer just a room mom at daycare, but the parent-teacher council coordinator? Where did I think I would find the time?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
There's something fishy going on...

And lastly, in this completely random blog post, Ethan had another field trip today. They decided to be ambitious and load up the 14 toddlers and take them to a duck pond to feed ducks (or actually mean, hissing geese), then across the street to a playground. Then load and unload them all again to go to Dairy Queen for lunch and ice cream. Dairy Queen has 2 high chairs, so it was interesting. But they piled a lot of them in one long booth, sat some older ones in chairs, and the youngest in the high chairs. There were probably more french fries, chicken nuggets, and milk on the floor than in bellies, but they surpassed my expectations. Ethan, like the pig that he is, ate ALL of his chicken, ALL of his ice cream cone, and most of his french fries.
Here's how they were seated (notice the adults just standing there watching):

And a couple more pics of Ethan on his trip:

Monday, June 8, 2009
Ethan 15 month update

To celebrate, I took him to the doctor today to get 3 shots. He wasn't exactly celebrating...
Anyway, here are his stats:
24 lbs (50th percentile)
32 inches long (75th percentile)
18.75 inch head circumference (about 35th percentile)
All is A-okay with him, except his never-ending case of eczema on his butt. Poor guy got his weird eczema skin from me.
So here's what he's doing these days:
- He can now run. Pretty much falls every time he does this, but loves doing it anyway.
- He's trying to jump. On the couch. One day very soon he will fall off (hopefully not near the brick fireplace).
- He loves balls (golf balls, basketballs, soccer balls, you name it). And his current favorite toy is the Little Tikes basketball goal.
- He loves to get dirty. Tonight he threw sand all over his face and his hair and his clothes and then found a muddy puddle to play in.
- He likes playing with cars and trucks and is starting to make the "vrooom" sound when playing with them.
- So he is very much a boy. Talking has been of a lesser priority, but he has made vast improvements this month in that category. His favorite word to say is "Daddy". He says it all happy and loving. On the other hand, when he says "Mama", it's when he needs or wants something and not exactly in the happy and loving way.
- Other words he's starting to say: ball (shocker), go, bye-bye, hi, eye (anything that rhymes with "I"), car, truck, dis, dat, and his favorite..dah (which can mean doggie, bird, wagon, or anything else he can't say).
- Today on the way to the doctor, he actually said "doctor". I was pretty sure he said it and then Blythe says "Ethan said 'doctor'", so that confirmed it.
On a side note, while I was out of town Braden went to the mall with kids and bought Blythe a dress at Gap Outlet. Look at how good he did!

Such a cute dress, don't ya think?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Girls weekend update

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Girls weekend - T minus 1 day
And I only have to pack the things that I need instead of packing for 3 people and dogs. So I think I'll wait until tomorrow to pack. You know, live on the wild side.
And Braden will be here with the kids. I think the weather will be nice, so a trip or two to the pool will probably be in order. I'm sure there will be some stories to share on Sunday evening.
So anyway, signing off for now. Will be back in touch on Sunday or Monday. Later!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Blythe's field trip