Monday, May 31, 2010
You fight and you die
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Days 2 and 3 at home
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The first night at home
Brynn fussed again at about 2:30 because her hat came over her eyes, so I fixed that and went back to bed. I didn't get up again until 5:00am when she wanted to eat. Guess I was so tired, I didn't realize Braden got up again at 3 something because Ethan was in the hall. So Braden took him back to his own room, but had to stay with him for about an hour.
After Brynn got up at 5 to eat, she went back to sleep and didn't get up until almost 8am.
Ethan came and woke me up at about 7:15 though to go potty.
So the second half of the night was really good for Brynn. Ethan was a little nightmare, so hopefully he doesn't repeat that again. As Braden said this morning, "I was prepared to be up for Brynn. Not for Ethan."
We'll see how tonight goes...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Expectnet Baby Poll results
Actual results:
May 24, 2010 11:33am
8 pounds 13 oz
22 inches
You get big time deductions if you get the gender wrong and most of you did. So the overall winner is Super Sarah (my cousin). She deserves to win something since she was due with her baby on the 22nd and he has still not arrived. Although really all she wins is bragging rights.
Closest person to date/time is Laura (my sister). Her guess was only 5.5 hours off.
Closest person to weight was my next door neighbor, B'easy. Only off by 1 ounce.
There were 5 people who had the length correct. And only 6 out of 19 who guessed girl.
Thanks everyone for playing!
And although it wasn't part of the game, my personal goal was to stay under 40 pounds weight gain. And....I failed. I gained 42 pounds. The really disheartening thing is that I had an almost 9 pound baby, plus placenta, plus all that amniotic fluid....and I only lost 12 pounds total. So 30 more pounds to go. Yeesh.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Welcome Brynn Elizabeth!
Here's me "breathing" and trying not to push.

Friday, May 21, 2010
An early intruder
So anyway, then I asked her, "do you know where he is?"
She said, "He's in MY room in MY bed. I don't want him in my bed." So now that made sense. Blythe does not like to be woken up early in the morning. Especially by her brother who likely wants her to get up and play kitchen with him. So Braden went and got him and Blythe went back to bed. Crisis averted.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Okay, so everything is about ready
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day
They had thought of doing breakfast in bed, but my huge belly makes that a little difficult, so I hung out and watched while they cooked breakfast. They decided to tackle bacon, eggs, and french toast, which basically meant Braden had to do them all at the same time. He was unhappy with his performance and gave himself an "F", but I disagreed since most of it was edible. But actually, seeing things not go as smoothly as he hoped made me feel more appreciated. After he fed me and the kids (and Ethan's bottomless pit of a stomach), there was not enough left for Braden. Which happens to me sometimes, so again it's nice to watch someone be in your shoes for a few minutes. It really does make you feel more appreciated than just being told so.
Later in the day I took Blythe to Christiansburg High School where they were putting on the musical "Beauty and the Beast". It was packed and was actually really good, for a high school production. The gal who played Belle was amazing. The show was long though - we were there for about 3 hours. Blythe did well and made it through the whole thing. At intermission she saw some people who had M&M's and said she wanted some. After she mentioned it, I really wanted some too. So we stood in a long line for concessions. The woman 2 people in front of us bought 4 packs of M&M's, then the guy in front of us bought 2 packs. All we wanted was 1 pack to share, but that guy bought the LAST ones! Ugh! What a terrible thing for a pregnant lady and her 4 year old daughter. We had to settle for crackers.
Anyway, after the play we met Braden and Ethan at Red Robin for dinner and then Braden took the kids home while I went to Walmart for groceries. Blythe was exhausted so she went straight to bed after they got home. I was a little bummed because I realized I hadn't spent much time with Ethan on this Mother's Day. But when I got home, he had just gone to bed so I snuck into his room to give him a kiss and hug goodnight. As soon as I walked into his dark room, he lifted his head up and said, "Happy Mother's Day". Awww...such a nice ending to my day!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
37 weeks..."full term"
And I think I was heavier then, not necessarily because I had 2 donuts and a french vanilla cappicino every day, but because I was allowed to sit on my butt and do nothing. No running after 2 kids. Getting 2 kids dressed and fed for school. No brushing kids teeth at night. No carrying kids around on my hip up or down stairs. Such was the life! But I've also never liked being pregnant. And I remember being pregnant that first time, knowing I probably wanted 3 kids and thinking "I have to go through this 2 more times". And now I'm almost at the end. And I'm not sad about it one bit.