Friday, February 12, 2010

Yay for daycare

Boy am I glad I do not have any school-aged children this year! I am SO grateful that the daycare has been open just about every day throughout all of this snowy non-sense. The public schools, however, have only been open 1 day in February so far (and it was a short day due to delayed opening). They didn't go at all this week and they have a holiday on Monday. I hate to be the pessimist, but we have a 70% chance of accumulating snow on Monday, which will likely mean bad news for parents of school-aged children come Tuesday. What a nightmare! I couldn't imagine trying to get my work done day after day with my kids at home with me!

I bought the kids some warm weather clothes today, which I'm hoping will bring on the warm weather sooner. Likely it will have the opposite effect. What I really need to do is go buy a better snow shovel. Maybe if I go buy a snow shovel, we won't get any more snow.

Anyhoo, an update on the pregnancy...I am now 25 weeks along. Have gained about 23 pounds, so barely holding on for the under 40 pound goal. Unfortunately I have really felt an increase in appetite this week. Like no amount of food can make me full. That's not good news. I still love my fruits and veggies (Braden will laugh because I still don't really eat veggies), but carbs are starting to taste better now too.

1 comment:

lynette said...

Yeah... definitely be grateful for daycare never closing. Trying to accomplish just about any thing with your kid with you all day is pretty much impossible :)

I'd go get that new shovel... it might do the trick!