Anyway, we were going to drive to Durham on Friday for Ada's 1st birthday party, but since the weather was supposed to be bad, we decided to leave Thursday night. Good idea, since the interstate was closed for about 5 hours Friday morning. Driving at night with the kids was actually really easy. Good to know. Will probably do that more in the future.
While Blacksburg was getting beat up with another snowstorm of another foot or so of snow, Durham was just getting rain. Lots of rain. So on Friday we headed to the Durham Life and Science museum. A good rainy day activity (though also would be a good nice day activity...will have to go back to enjoy the outdoor stuff some time).
The kids enjoyed seeing and feeling clouds in the weather area, looking at owls and fish and snakes and turtles, and playing with music and light. We even ventured out into the pouring rain to see the butterfly house and the say hello to a few of the barn animals. Here are a few pics:

Although Friday was Ada's real birthday, Saturday was her birthday party. Luckily it was just rain in Durham (and a few snow flakes) and not ice, so everyone was able to make it to the party. Lynette had done an amazing job decorating for the party (making just about everything herself!) and baking yummy cupcakes! I think I ate pretty much non-stop. Ada got lots of cool gifts and I think she enjoyed her party quite a bit. Here she is with her Mommy. Notice the super-cute "1" shirt she's wearing!

By Sunday the snow in Blacksburg had finally subsided and the roads were cleared so it was time for us to head on home. Braden had to stay in Durham because he was coaching some kids at a meet that went until Sunday night. So, fortunately I had thought ahead and had offered my 7 year old next door neighbor 20 bucks to shovel my driveway. Hey - just because he's only 7 doesn't mean he can't be put to work. Besides, he didn't do the whole thing. The kid across the street helped. Okay, so he's only 5, but whatever - my driveway was cleared and it was the best 20 bucks I could have spent!
We unloaded and then the kids wanted to go play in the snow. So 20 minutes later of finding their gear and loading them up, they were out in the snow.

But because our house looks like this now:

It's hard for the kids to play in the snow (since they can't even walk in the snow because it's higher than them). So, only about 10 minutes in the snow and they were ready to go in. I made them some hot chocolate (which was Ethan's first experience with it) and then set out to shovel some of our back deck. It's always suspicious when the kids are too quiet when you leave the room. I came back in and they had hot chocolate all over the table, the floor, and themselves.

Nice. Okay, so now it's bath time. I get them undressed mostly before we head upstairs. Before we go up, I tell them I have to run next door for just a second to pay our neighbor and I'll be right back. 2 minutes later I come in and Ethan's crying and I see blood on the floor. I mean, seriously, 2 minutes? I can't be gone 2 minutes? Apparently Blythe had made a make shift slide with the couch cushion and Ethan had done a face plant causing his nose to gush blood. Geez.
A bath, some dinner, bedtime, and I was able to watch about 20 minutes of the super bowl before falling asleep on the couch.
Oh, and another snowfall forecast for tomorrow. Yay.
1 comment:
Can't believe all that snow... geez!! Great having you guys this weekend, and looking forward to seeing you all again very soon.
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