Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Glucose test

This morning I had my glucose test at the doctor, which meant I couldn't eat past midnight (like I'd be up that late anyway). Braden headed out yesterday to the Men's ACC Championships, which meant I needed to leave a little early to take the kids to day care in order to make it to my 9 o'clock appointment. Also, yesterday I called to make an appointment for Bogie to be groomed. Normally they book about a week in advance, so they said they could take him on the 24th, and I said "sure!". Didn't realize the 24th was today. Which meant leaving the house even earlier.

Of course I wake up starving. Just knowing I couldn't eat made me even hungrier. And of course this has to be the one morning Blythe wants to sleep in. I tried to wake the sleeping beauty, but apparently I was on the wrong side of the bed because she was NOT HAPPY about anything. And not happy = slower moving. We somehow managed to get out of the house on time and remember the hard-boiled egg Blythe needed for school (they are learning about oral hygiene and are practicing brushing the drawn-on teeth on the egg and comparing it to yesterday when they brushed jellybeans which turn sticky when they get their "teeth" brushed). I actually even made it to the doctor 10 minutes early. How about that?

They were out of the gross orange drink, so I had to drink the even grosser fruit punch flavored drink. Hopefully all goes well and I don't have to repeat with a 3 hour test instead of the 1 hour test. As it was, I was completely starving by the time I left. The fact that I've gained 5.2 pounds in the last 4 weeks didn't stop me from going through the drive-thru at Hardee's and getting a cinnamon-raisin biscuit and a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. And the bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit was buy one, get one free so I figured I'd save that second one for later. Which I didn't. Mmmm mmmm.

Everything else with baby #3 was looking good. I'm measuring right where I should be (except I'm sure my ass is measuring a little larger than it should be). Heartbeat was fine and my blood pressure was fine. I did have a protein in my urine, which they'll keep an eye on as it could be an indicator of preeclampsia (hopefully not). Next appointment is in 3 weeks and then I start going every 2 weeks after that.

1 comment:

lynette said...

Mmm.. sounds like a tasty breakfast to me! :) Can't believe you're already this far along in the pregnancy... seems to be flying by!