The kids and I headed to Durham again last Thursday and spent Friday and Saturday there. The Women's ACC Swimming Championship was in Chapel Hill, only about 15 minutes from Doug's house, so I was able to check out lots of swimming action and see Braden a bit while he was coaching.
Friday morning I took the kids with me to the meet. We walked slowly from the car to the pool to take in the nice, warmer weather. At the meet, the kids were kind of a pain. They just wanted to climb up and down the stairs (which was fine except I kept feeling like any moment Blythe might push Ethan down the stairs). Blythe asked me about 10 times if it was time to go yet and then complained she was hot. So, once the candy in my purse ran out, we left and walked slowly back to the car and let Ethan play in the leaves (since there are no leaves we can play with, or see, at our house).
My mom and sister came in on Friday too. They were coming in to babysit Ada while Doug and Lynette headed to Dominican Republic (SO jealous!). Since they were babysitting 1, they might as well babysit 3, right? They were gracious to do that and let me watch Friday night, Saturday morning, and Saturday night meet sessions without my kids there. Which was GREAT!
On Saturday afternoon, we took the 3 kids to a nearby playground where my kids were able to play OUTSIDE! Yay! With no coats on even.
Then Sunday morning we left and drove back to Blacksburg, where it was nice to see we had some good melting over the weekend. You can even see grass in a few spots where the sun shines a lot. There's a glimmer of hope this stuff might actually melt before April (well, not the giant mountains of snow in parking lots, but at least the other stuff). We even played outside without coats here in Blacksburg AND I got my girl scout cookies!
I took no pics all weekend, but here is a shot I saw on my friend's facebook. Not sure where exactly it's from, but I like it!

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