Monday, April 19, 2010

And nesting has begun

I think the nesting urge may have finally started. Barely. Up to this point I have felt no need to really clean, more to just keep up with the everyday clutter. But yesterday Braden and I both cleaned our cars...vacuumed and Windex and everything. Maybe subconciously I'm starting with the first place new baby will go (other than hospital room).

And I even got started in the nursery a bit going through some stuff. I didn't think I'd have time, but then yesterday afternoon my 12 year neighbor called and said she was bored and wanted to know if I needed any help with Ethan or Blythe. Ethan was napping so she came over and played games with Blythe (games like "Cooties" which I have no interest in playing with Blythe) and played in the sandbox with her. So while she was doing that, I managed to go through a few drawers in the nursery and some of the closet.

Later she thanked me for "letting her come over and play with Blythe". Um. Anytime. For real.

At some point during the day Blythe watched a Dora the Explorer show that was about riddles. So this is a new concept to her. Right before she fell asleep last night, she says, "Mom, what has 2 tails, 8 legs, and says "Ee-aw"?" So I say, "Um..2 donkeys?". She said, "No, a donkey with 2 tails". Hmmm..

Another thing she's very into these days is numbers. She's always asking me if I can count to 130 or one hundred thousand. She likes doing addition too and can do it pretty well and doesn't even have to use her fingers every time. She's also asking me to do it all the time...."Mom, what's 5 plus 5 plus 5 plus 4?"

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