Don't worry - I will blog about Christmas, but I will do so after I get home and can upload our pics and videos. For now, a blog you probably don't want to see any pictures for. Pretty sure it was the worst 18 hours of my life.
We are visiting my parents and have had a great visit so far. Braden had to leave yesterday to go back to work and I'm hanging here with the kids so Gommy, Poppa, and Laura can babysit while I do some work.
It was about 10:45 last night when I was about ready to go upstairs and go to bed. But I heard my sister yell down, "Mary! Blythe threw up!". Uh oh. My mom had been feeling bad that night, so maybe it was a bug. I went upstairs and Blythe was covered head to toe in puke. It took all I had to keep my dinner inside of me. It was also all in her bed. She's sharing a room with Ethan, but fortunately she did not get any on him. So I put her in the tub and got her all cleaned up and hair washed (which meant blowdrying her hair at 11 at night). My sister and dad changed out her sheets, not very quietly, but amazingly Ethan never woke up.
I got Blythe back in bed (and showed her the trashcan next to her bed in case she had future "incidents"). Scratched her back for a while and she fell asleep. I went downstairs and started a load of wash (oh, after I had to rinse out the chunks from the sheets and rinse off of the new pillow pet she got). Went back upstairs, got my jammies on and brushed my teeth and FINALLY could go to bed.
Except just as I was about to get in bed, I heard Brynn throw up. Sigh.
Got her out of bed, started a bath for her and got some new jammies. After her bath, I took more stuff down to the laundry room, which was getting a nice big pile going. After all that, it took her quite some time to go back to sleep. Finally she fell asleep and then I did too. But within minutes of falling asleep, Blythe came into my room. She had thrown up again. Change of sheets and change of jammies, this time ignoring the small amount of puke in her hair. And another pile of sheets and clothes to take down to the laundry.
Finally time to go to sleep.
Then Blythe came in again. More puke.
Change of sheets (which were running out at this point). Change of more jammies, now just regular clothes. And another pile of laundry.
Seriously, will I ever be able to sleep? Apparently not, as 30 minutes later I heard Brynn starting to puke, so I grabbed her out of her pack n play and rushed her to the toilet. After that, I put her back down. An hour and a half later, the same thing again. Poor Brynn may have slept even less than I did. I was finally able to go to sleep sometime after 5:00am. Then up at 7:30 for the day.
Worst day ever, right? It had only just begun.
I pretty much expected to get the bug with the amount of puke I came into contact with over the night. Instead, at about 11 this morning I got back pain. REALLY, REALLY bad back pain. Right where my left kidney is. I couldn't stand it, the pain was intolerable and nothing I could do would make it subside. I didn't know what was wrong. I didn't think I was pregnant, but the chance I could have an ectopic pregnancy was enough to scare me into going to the Emergency Room. That and I needed pain relief SO SO bad.
Finally after 2 hours at the ER, I was given a shot in my butt for pain relief and FINALLY I felt almost normal. As for the prognosis? Inconclusive. I'm not pregnant (phew!) and not a bladder infection or UTI. Could be a kidney stone, but the doctor thought more muscular strain. I know what muscular strain feels like, and this wasn't it, so I'm still leaning toward kidney stone. Fortunately the pain relief shot is still working. I'm dreading when it wears off, but hoping that when it does, the pain is nowhere near what it was (plus now I have better drugs to take). So there you have it...worst 18 hours ever. The good news for me was that Braden came back and met us at the hospital, so we all get to be with him for an extra day...yay!