Anyway, I do promise a blog on Christmas, but before Christmas came Christmas Eve. As has been our tradition, we dressed the kids in their Christmas clothes (picked out and purchased every year by Grams...she has much better fashion sense than I for these things!). Then we took some pics of us all gussied up. Some favorites:

You could wonder how such beautiful kids could be anything less than perfect at church, right? Well, well, well....
Church was not so much fun. Blythe had been coming down with a cold, but apparently during church service was when her ears decided to hurt so bad she needed to cry and curl up in a little ball. Although I had given Ethan a snack earlier in the service, he decided he wanted more and wanted to dig through my purse. Braden wasn't having that and so Ethan had a melt down. And then Ethan tried to burn down the church during "Silent Night". And why was Braden guarding my purse and not me? Because I was in the lobby for half of the service carrying around a hungry and tired 7 month old baby (oh yeah, guess I forgot to do a 7 month old post as well). After the service was over Brynn and I went back in to connect with Ethan, Braden, and Blythe and then Ethan decided to take his tantrum to the next level. So we literally had to drag him down the aisle while he kicked and screamed.
But at least they all looked nice while they were crying.
1 comment:
Great pictures, but someone is missing - you!!
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