Finally a beautiful weekend! Though apparently when they say "Mostly sunny, 80 degrees, mild wind, and no chance of rain" what they really mean is "Partly sunny, 72 degrees, very windy, and overnight thunderstorms with heavy rain". Oh well, most definitely could have been worse!
Because it was promising to be so sunny and so warm, we headed to the pool yesterday and today and were pretty much the first ones there both times. Though the water was warm (because it's heated), the air was not so much, but got better each day the later we stayed as the day became sunnier. It's a good thing I got Blythe swimming so well on video during her swim lessons in April, because she now acts like she never had those 18 swim lessons. She won't give up her noodle, she won't even put her head underwater, and she certainly won't swim by herself unassisted. In fact, she freaks out every time we try to get her to so that she draws the attention of the other parents and the lifeguards who are probably thinking we are terrible parents who are trying to get this poor girl to swim who doesn't even know how. She seriously cries and screams and even a bribe of ice cream won't work. I tried. So she spends most of her time standing in the water, or swimming with her noodle, or playing in the sand at the playground. Here she is NOT swimming (but looking cute nonetheless):

Ethan, on the other hand is a swimming machine. Every time we turn our backs, he is heading to the water to "jump" in (and by jump I mean ungracefully fall in). Loves it though. Today he discovered the small water slide in the shallow section of the pool. And so we then did that over and over and over and over again. Here he is swimming with his Daddy:

Because floaties aren't allowed at the pool anymore (and we tried them on him in Hilton Head and he wasn't quite ready anyway), going to the pool isn't exactly relaxing for us. But it sure keeps the kids happy and entertained. We were able to stay on Saturday until 1:30 and today until 1:00 before Ethan got too tired. He crashed in the car both days in less than a minute of being in the car.
After we got back today, I took Blythe on a Mommy/Daughter date to the movies to see "Up". I wasn't sure how she'd be since we went during her normal naptime, but she did great and the movie was quite entertaining. I would definitely recommend it. Very cute.
1 comment:
I think this is my favorite picture of blythe, so cute! (And yay you come visit me in two days!)
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