Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I want to poop pooples and poopoopoos?

Our next door neighbors came over for dinner last night, which was a lot of fun. Before we knew it, it was 8 o'clock! Nice thing about having other kids here is that Ethan is entertained and therefore not whining, grabbing onto my legs, and wanting me to carry him around. So they were both pretty wound up by the time we went upstairs for bedtime. I had had 2 glasses of wine with dinner.

Mary have 2 glasses of wine = a much more animated storyteller for Blythe = Blythe even more wound up and not wanting to go to bed

So then she is singing, "I want to oat oat oat opples and bononos". Which somehow eventually turned into "I want to poop poop poop pooples and poopoopoos". She thinks it's hilarious to talk about poop and pee, so you can imagine how in depth our conversations are.

By this time my 2 glasses of wine were making me quite tired, so I had to get out of there before I crashed on her bed. Lord knows how long it actually took her to fall asleep.

Anyway, I took her to school this morning and she had ANOTHER birthday invite in her cubby. She had a birthday party last Saturday, she has one this Saturday, and this one was for next Saturday (we'll be on vacation though). I really need to start stocking up on birthday gifts if I see things that are cheap. Eventually Ethan will start getting invites too and then it will be complete birthday party madness!

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