Ethan went down for a LONG nap while I took Blythe to her friend Ginsey's 4th birthday party. It was at the same location Blythe had hers, and she had just as much fun (maybe more because this time they had a really BIG slide moonbouncer). Here's a few pics:

She was melting fast towards the end of the party though and we had a wedding to go to in just 2 hours, so I made her take a nap as soon as we got home, which turned out to be a life saver!
Ethan's godparents Tommy and Angie were getting married here in Blacksburg at 5pm yesterday. Braden was a groomsman which meant he had to leave early for the wedding and also meant the previous night we went to the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. We opted out of taking the kids to the rehearsal (best decision EVER), but they were going to the wedding. On Friday was when I realized Braden wouldn't be sitting with me in the church, so fortunately I rounded up some other kidless friends to help me watch the kiddos during service. Anyway, I had about 1 hour at home to do hair, makeup, get dressed, stock my diaper bag with endless snacks and other activities to keep the kids quiet, get Ethan dressed and ready, and get Blythe dressed and ready. I was running around like a mad person! Normally those are the types of days when the kids take short naps, but I was very lucky and they kept on sleeping. Yay!
So amazingly we made it to the wedding on time and the kids did very well (thank goodness for a short ceremony!). Then we walked over to the reception area, which was great because it was a large, contained room with lots of room for the kids to run around and a big dance floor for them to dance on. Angie's niece, who's 4, was the flower girl so she and Blythe were instantly best friends. Amazing how kids can do that. They couldn't wait to get on the dance floor, so they danced while everyone else ate.
We had arranged for a babysitter to meet us at the reception and pick up the kids at 7:45. Blythe was having such a good time with Angie's niece that we decided to let her stay and just send Ethan home. Before he left we got a pic of us all gussied up.

Blythe ended up doing really well. She started to crash with about 20 minutes left, but overall we were quite happy. She even participated in the bouquet toss (technically she is a single lady). She can't catch a basketball thrown at her from 18 inches away, so it was unlikely she'd catch it anyway.

But somehow she actually did.

We all had a GREAT time and needlesstosay, Blythe was QUITE exhausted. I had to wake her up at 9:00 this morning (for church)!
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