Looks nothing like Blythe when she was 14 months old:

Okay, so maybe there are some similarities.
Anyway, I didn't get to do a 13 month update on Ethan since he was home sick and we were headed out the door to Dallas.
These are the things he's doing these days:
- He's such a boy - LOVES to be dirty!
- He wants so badly to be able to jump and tries to all the time. Is always begging to get up on the couch, the chair, or the bed to try jumping. He thinks it's okay to just walk right off the couch, chair, or bed though so you can't leave him alone!
- Loves balls and loves throwing them. Golf balls, baseballs, kickballs, or even just balloons. Speaking of which, he loves those too but pops them all the time. Doesn't seem to bother him.
- He enjoys looking for birds and gets very excited and points at them and yells whenever he sees one.
- Still isn't talking very much. He knows how to tell me what he wants though. That usually entails pointing at something and yelling "Mama!". Or he'll bring me something he wants. If his shoe falls off, he'll bring it to me to put on him. If he wants graham crackers, he'll get the box out of the pantry and bring it to me.
- He must listen a lot though because he does understand a lot of commands. I'm pretty sure once he starts really talking, he'll progress pretty quickly.
- He still loves water - at any temperature apparently. His favorite thing to do in the bathtub these days is to fill a large cup with water and throw it. Usually it ends up in the tub, but sometimes ends up all over me (like last night).
- He takes great naps on the weekends but at day care only sleeps about an hour or hour and a half. I'm amazed sometimes that he's still functioning at 8pm.
- I think he has 10 teeth. Top middle four, bottom middle four, and 2 molars on top.
- Still eats pretty much anything. Including crayons, sidewalk chalk, and bubbles.
Wow - they do look alike. So cute!
Gommy says:
I can't believe how much they look alike! Oh, I can't wait to see them next weekend.
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