Still raining. And windy. And cold.
Really, what are the chances that it would be overcast and unseasonably cold for an entire week, which would happen to be the one week we’re here for vacation? At least we have the Wii.
And alcohol.
If I had no kids, I might enjoy just laying around inside reading a book. Maybe go watch a movie. But with 2 kids, and the same 3 toys that we brought, they start to get quite restless. Or at least Ethan does. Blythe is content playing with the 3 Barbies we brought. We each take turns being Beauty and Ariel (Blythe is always Jasmine).
We’ve done most of the inside things we can do. We went bowling (which, by the way, Ethan LOVED). We went to the McDonalds just to play on the playplace. We went to a children’s museum.
Here’s Blythe as a mermaid at the museum:
Yesterday we did have some portion of the day when we were able to swim in the pool. We called the homeowner the other day and asked them to come by and heat the pool. Thank goodness we did! At least the pool was nice and warm. Unfortunately Ethan was napping that whole time, so he has hardly been outside since we got here. I was able to take him to a playground across the street for a little while yesterday. But mostly he’s been inside trying to get creative with the stuff we brought. Here he is dressed up as Elton John.
Ahhh, maybe later today it will stop raining long enough to at least go back in the pool. The wind is kind of prohibiting our beach visits. Probably will be the first time I’ve gone to the beach for a week where I’ve come back whiter than I came here. And for those of you in
We had arranged for a babysitter to meet us at the reception and pick up the kids at 7:45. Blythe was having such a good time with Angie's niece that we decided to let her stay and just send Ethan home. Before he left we got a pic of us all gussied up.
Blythe ended up doing really well. She started to crash with about 20 minutes left, but overall we were quite happy. She even participated in the bouquet toss (technically she is a single lady). She can't catch a basketball thrown at her from 18 inches away, so it was unlikely she'd catch it anyway.
But somehow she actually did.
We all had a GREAT time and needlesstosay, Blythe was QUITE exhausted. I had to wake her up at 9:00 this morning (for church)!