Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mission Impossible

I mean seriously, it is just not possible to get a good picture of my 3 kids together.

I tried bribing with M&M's and this is what I got. I just want a halfway decent picture to replace my blog header for Christ's sake!
Braden is in California this week and so I decided to paint the basement. Almost all 800 square feet or so (including the stairway). Not possible to do all that on my own and take care of 3 kids without losing my mind, so my lovely mother came up and helped me and we knocked it out in 3 days (thank you, thank you, thank you Mom!). Looks great, but I won't be posting any pics for a few weeks since we are also installing some cabinets, so need those in before I show it off.
So I was on my own tonight with the kiddos. Brynn needed a bath upstairs but Blythe and Ethan wanted to play in the basement, so I told them they could as long as they did not go outside. I started to go upstairs, but realized I had left the step stool in the basement and knowing the kids would try to play with that, I went down to the basement first to retrieve it. Blythe got down there milliseconds before I did and I managed to grab it right as she was about to jump on it. Pat on my back for my superior parenting skills. So anyway, a little nervous about having them play where I can't even hear them, but decided to give it a shot.
Brynn had a fairly short bath and instead of feeding her in her room, I headed down to the basement because I just don't trust Blythe and Ethan to play nicely together. I was SO wrong. I walked down there and Blythe had built a nice block tower and Ethan was playing with drums. There was no fighting and nothing was broken and they hadn't even made a mess. They didn't even jump on the guest room bed (like they ALWAYS do). Then of course I had to ruin it by just being present in the room. They were loud and obnoxious and whiny and fighting while I was down there feeding Brynn. Guess that'll show me not to trust them!

1 comment:

lynette said...

Ha! Great photo :) Some times just getting a good shot of ONE kid is hard enough!!