Wednesday, August 25, 2010

3 months!

Okay, so Brynn was actually 3 months old yesterday, but I forgot to get her picture in the bath.

She loves her bath! She was actually VERY tired and VERY hungry, but you'd never know it when you put her in the bath. Getting her out...another story. Anyway, let's see what she's up to these days:

  • She started day care this week and had a rough couple of days to start, but today she did great! She ate from her bottle, took 2 naps (one was 2 hours and the other was almost 3!), and even pooped a couple times (better there than at home!)
  • Still sleeping about 11-12 hours at night and usually takes 3 naps a day
  • She's still in 3-6 month clothes, but the shirts are getting a little snug. Wearing size 2 diapers.
  • She started laughing this month. She laughed for Daddy a cute set of giggles. She has not done that for me though I have tried and tried. When Gommy came last week, she had Brynn giggling within an hour of her arrival. I guess I'm just not that funny.
  • She still likes playing with her playgym. She really likes the lights on the star from her old playgym. She also still likes the bubbles on her bouncy seat.
  • She has never liked the swing at home, but likes it at day care. Go figure.
  • Her hair is falling out and she has a nice big bald spot on the back of her head where she sleeps on it.
  • She's starting to have more interest in her brother and sister. I can sit her on my lap and she is sometimes entertained just by watching them. I think she's cautious of her brother (because he's likely to be too rough around her) and maybe still a little annoyed with her sister (because she likes to touch and kiss Brynn ALL the time, even when she's eating).
  • Now that she's 3 months, that means Mommy had to go back to work and I miss my baby girl during the day. She was my little sidekick all summer. She was my walking buddy, my pool buddy, my grocery buddy, and sometimes (rarely) my nap-on-the-couch buddy. I've gone up to the day care each day though to feed her and visit with her. Hopefully I can keep that up for a while.


ekf said...

This has to be the cutest picture ever!

lynette said...

What a cutie! Happy 3 months!!