Friday, July 16, 2010

My diaper bag

Some day far far from now, I might actually be able to get away with carrying only my wallet, cell phone, and keys in my purse, like back when I was in college. Actually, in college my cell phone was about 5 times the size it is now, but still. So anyway, one day I might want to look back and laugh about how much I had to carry everywhere I went.

I actually didn't think my diaper bag was THAT big, but when I took this picture of it this morning, I realized it is quite large.

But it needs to be big to hold all this crap. Actually, I'm quite proud of my crap. I feel I am prepared for ALMOST every situation. Here's a run down on the junk in my trunk:
  • Diapers - duh. However, this is the most common item to be MISSING from my diaper bag
  • Wipes - helpful for lots of situations. I may actually carry wipes in my purse for the rest of my life. I'm addicted.
  • Diaper changing pad - actually 3 of them (2 are disposable). Been there done that and learned that 1 ain't always enough.
  • Wallet - I'm always worried this might not be in there and I'll get all my groceries at Wal-mart and go to pay and I won't have it. Fortunately this hasn't happened. Yet.
  • Cell phone
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Chapstick - can double as an Ethan distractor, but only if I never want it to be useful ever again
  • Lip gloss - currently never used. I give Brynn too many kisses and she would be goopy all over.
  • Tissues - sometimes there can never be enough
  • A Q-tip - I'm not sure why
  • Burp rag - likely the most used item in my diaper bag these days
  • Nursing cover (with strap that goes over my head) - never had one of these for Blythe or Ethan and I was totally missing out. Can also double as a thin blanket in case AC is too cold for Brynn.
  • Car keys - hidden way at the bottom
  • Extra onesie for Brynn
  • Entire change of clothes for Ethan - yep, shirt, shorts, and undies
  • Extra pair of undies for Blythe - hopefully won't need to use for her, but you never know
  • Mirror - in the off chance I actually remember to see what I look like now that I've left the house
  • Pacifier - Brynn doesn't use one. I have no idea why that's still in there.
  • Pen
  • Sticker book - works well as a distraction for Blythe
  • Nursing pads - in case I go through the freezer section at the grocery store or a baby cries while I'm in the changing room. Such a pain.
  • Gum - hey, I didn't know that was in there. Actually 2 packs. Nice!
  • Fruit snacks - cause when stickers or chapstick don't work...snacks always do
  • Candy - for when fruit snacks don't work either
  • Pez candy and a spiderman Pez dispenser - the ultimate distraction, aka the final straw. I have never had to use this. My kids have actually never seen a Pez dispenser that actually dispenses candy.
  • Crayons - cuz only the "good" restaurants have crayons. And they usually suck.
  • Band-aids - because my kids like to where Crocs, but then they're running ability is severely impaired.

And I actually have one empty pocket (didn't realize that). I guess that could be used for a bottle if need be.

So there you have it. ALL of that STUFF fits into that one bag. And sometimes I even have room for a camera if I remember it.


Sarah said...

I'm taking notes!! I've only been carrying 1 changing pad. I will definitely up the count from now on.

Anonymous said...

A "Vera Bradley" diaper bag, and all this time I thought it was your purse. I must say, I didn't realize you carried so much crap, uh, I mean so many necessities. But I shouldn't be surprised, you've always been prepared.


lynette said...

Sounds like a very familiar list of crap :) Crayons and craisins are current must-haves for my bag. And a TON of wipes. I too think I'll carry them in my bag long after the kids are no longer babies. Good ol' wipes!!