She is now 12 pounds 14 ounces - 90th percentile (would have been more but she's pooped like 6 times in the last 24 hours). She is 23.5 inches long (95th percentile). And her head circumference is 15 inches (same as last time because last time I'm pretty sure it was wrong).
Poor girl had to get 3 shots today and 1 oral vaccine. She wasn't the biggest fan....especially since it was past her naptime.
So, anyway, here's what miss Brynn is up to these days:
- Smiles a lot. Definitely in response to someone else's smile, but I think she's smiling spontaneously too. She really likes the octopus on her playgym and she smiles at him.
- Getting good head control. She can now face frontwards in the front carrier and likes doing that so she can see the world. Also helps around 6:30pm when she's fussy.
- Working on the upper back strength, but does not much like being on her belly. Probably because she has gas. All. The. Time.
- Sleeping usually 11-12 hours at night without waking up. Sometimes it's 9 or 10 hours. Sometimes, like the other day, I have to wake her after almost 13 hours.
- Is quite large (obviously). She's wearing 3-6 month size clothes and wearing them well. Not sure how much longer she'll even be in those. Wearing size 2 diapers.
- I haven't witnessed any real tears yet, but honestly she doesn't cry all that much anyway. She's generally quite a happy baby.
- Still taking about 3 naps a day. Sometimes it's one good one and a couple of cat naps. Probably is why she sleeps so well at night.
- Loves bathtime and hasn't missed a single night since her stump fell off.
- Doesn't so much love swimming pools yet, but it might have more to do with the hat she has to wear.
- She has only had 8 bottles in her lifetime. Guess I should start doing those a little more before she starts day care next month.
- She still has brown hair but it does appear to be growing in lighter. She also has more olive skin than either Blythe or Ethan. Girl gets tan just going from the car to the grocery store.
- Had her first long car trips this past month and did great on every single one of them. Slept the WHOLE time.
And if you are wondering how Brynn looks compared to Blythe and Ethan at this age, here are some shots at age 2 months. Blythe:


1 comment:
Big, beautiful baby - just like her momma was!
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