So all is good at night, but during the day Brynn's schedule is all messed up. I think she's going through a growth spurt as she wants to eat every 2 or 2.5 hours. Before this growth spurt, she would eat every 3 hours. She would be awake for 1.5 hours after eating, then nap for 1.5 hours. Repeat throughout the day. Now, sometimes she naps after eating, sometimes before eating, and she's not napping as long. So basically I have no idea when she will nap and when she will be awake. Nor do I know when she will eat. So frustrating! Plus she was doing really well with her crib naps, and now not so much. She'd rather be held.
Oh well. Otherwise she is doing great! Neck control is getting much better, she smiles a lot, and is starting to like a few of her toys. In 4 weeks I have to go back to work and I SO don't want to! Maybe by then I'll be ready.
Aww, such a cute smile! And I can't believe she's already wearing all that 3 month stuff of Ada's. Glad it's coming in handy. See you guys soon!!
I only saw this picture this morning. I can see why you don't want to go back to work, who could leave that precious smile! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
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