Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brynn vs Crib Nap...Round 1

Attempted the crib nap yesterday and I think I'll give the win to Crib Nap, as I think it might be the only win Crib Nap will have all week. There was a 30 minute nap that took place in Brynn's crib. I wanted it to be longer, but I'll take 30 minutes for the first day. She was quite tired for her afternoon nap, so I swaddled her up, rocked her to sleep and laid her down. I was sure she would wake right up so I folded laundry outside her room while I waited for her to wake up.

Finally I heard her cry and I was surprised to see it had already been 30 minutes.

Will attempt it again today, but now she knows what to expect, so my expectations are low. Guess we'll see.

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