Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend in Durham

We headed down to Durham last Thursday to spend the weekend with Doug and Lynette. Braden was coaching and recruiting at a meet near their house, so we decided to make it a family trip. Although it was quite a long trip there due to multiple potty breaks, the kids did great in the car. Once we got there, we pretty much got into a routine of hanging out in the morning and then spending a few hours at the pool until Ethan was just too tired to stay any longer. The first day we were all able to go to the pool (I took the picture so not in the photo):

The second day both Lynette and Braden had to work so it was just me, Doug, and the kids. We got a look of weird looks and people saying, "wow, you have your hands full" before I realized it certainly appeared we were husband and wife with our 3 kids (2 of which would be 11 months apart). Yikes! Anyway, we had a good time again at the pool. Both of mine LOVED going down the slide over and over again. Blythe could actually do it all on her own start to finish, including getting to the side at the bottom despite the strong current.

On Friday night we headed into downtown Durham for a few drinks and dinner for the kids. They had a live band playing too and Ethan and Blythe had a great time dancing and, since it was outdoors and people brought pets, they had a great time petting all the different dogs!

Blythe has recently started telling little white lies, which she took to an even higher level on this trip. I think I have a compulsive liar on my hands. On Saturday she said she wanted to jump off the diving board so I took her over there, she waited in line, walked out to the end then said she didn't want to and got off. I tried convincing her to do it, but she wouldn't. Later when she saw Braden, the first thing she said to him was, "Daddy! I jumped off the diving board! Feet first!" So she even added details. Then last night she was reading a new book of Ada's that had a cover on it. She can't stand those covers, so she took it off and started to crumple it up before I stopped her saying Lynette might not want it crumpled. Then she took the book and the cover and brought it into Ada's room to give to Doug and told him, "Ethan took the cover off." Liar. Last example was this morning. The kids and I got up first and went downstairs to play and be less loud than being upstairs with everyone sleeping. A little while later Doug, Lynette, and Ada came down and Lynette started fixing waffles. She asked who all wanted them and I said we all did. Doug was surprised because he thought we already ate. Apparently Blythe told him, "I already ate breakfast. I had cereal."

Don't let this sweet, innocent face fool you.


lynette said...

So great having you guys stay! Tell Blythe "thanks" for all the random stickers she left for us around the house :)

Karen said...

Hahah your blog cracks me up - don't let that sweet face fool you! haha!