You should have seen the other kid though. Ethan gave her a total ass-whoopin.
Just kidding. Ethan did get "beat up" at school yesterday though (I'm not sure by a boy or a girl). I'm pretty sure he just cried and didn't fight back. Completely unacceptable. We ain't gonna raise no sissy. Time for some baby boxing classes.

It wasn't Luke...my guess is Allison. She nailed Ashley hard from behind her back today when we were in picking up Luke. But Luke was not going to tolerate his older sister getting hit by a 1 1/2 yr old so he walked up to Allison and hit her. (I was secretly proud!)
Where is this kid? We need a picture of said child, so that we can put it up, and Ethan can look at it daily while he trains for revenge. Cue the Rocky music, Pull-ups on the upper deck at your house, walking around with Juni on his shoulders. Ethan will be ready for the rematch!
Geez... you sure it wasn't a cat that got ahold of him!? Hope the boxing lessons go well ;)
While he is still young and allowed to use them, Blythe can teach him the timeless girl-fighting techniques:
* Hair pulling
* Scratching
* Biting
* Random flailing of arms and legs
* Screaming (probably already knows this one)
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